We all knew this would happen, its just a pity they frightened - TopicsExpress


We all knew this would happen, its just a pity they frightened enough voters to swing it, but it will not work a second time, I canny wait... :) By David Lyon So, David Cameron has told the SNP to accept defeat. Allow me to explain why this will not, and should not, happen. It has emerged in the weeks since the referendum that Yes was on course to win approximately 7 days prior to the vote. A private Better Together poll put them on 52%. A private Labour poll put them on 54%. A private Yes poll put them on 52%. This victory was within established trends that many factored in when predicting a Yes victory. As it became a statistical certainty that Scotland would vote Yes, nations around the world were preparing policy for the emergence of a new EU state. Ireland is one such nation where policy was being written to prepare for our emergence. What happened next would cause concern to any forward-thinking individual who values democracy. The UK Government, facing the loss of billions of pounds of tax revenue from Scottish oil and whisky, along with humiliation and forced acceptance of the Scottish Governments currency terms, deployed an unethical three-pronged approach to interfere with the result: 1) A series of vows were made which redefined what a No vote stood for. The Edinburgh Agreement 2012 stipulated that neither side is allowed to change what they are offering in the final 28 days before the vote. This is called purdah, and means people can consider, without interference, which offering they wish to vote for without goal posts being moved. Yet they did it. Through a set of nonsense Vows, they completely altered what a No vote would mean. How did they do it? The Daily Record newspaper, on their front page, demanded information on what devolution promises would be made, a calculated move which created a situation where purdah allowed a response to a request for information. Their front page the next day featured the now-infamous signed Vow on devolution, as a convenient response. Next came Gordon Brown, who is not a member of Better Together or the UK Government, to make a series of promises which held no authority. Brown, little more than an ex-Prime Minister, is not covered by purdah rules. Exactly why the BBC granted Mr. Brown live uninterrupted broadcasts for several of these speeches, despite them being empty and toothless, I will leave you to ponder. 2) Scottish labour engaged in cold-calling registered voting pensioners to tell them that their state pension would cease if Yes won. This was an outright lie, however they did it anyway. After this, 75% of the 65+ demographic voted No. Our pensions were last November declared to be the lowest in Europe. Since then, it has gone down further. Pensioners were frightened into voting for London to retain our countrys wealth. 3) The BBC published nothing but manufactured bad news for Yes for 5 days solid right up until voting day. Announcements from banks were manipulated to seem like branches would close and jobs would be lost, routine NHS reports were distorted to seem like we couldnt afford it. No coverage of anything Yes related featured during this period from our state broadcaster, in clear yet care-free violation of their toothless charter. Looking back now, post-voting statistics from Lord Ashcroft revealed that, of the No voting demographic, 9% of them decided on No within those final 7 days. Enough to prevent the previously-expected Yes result that most were expecting/predicting. The referendum outcome had been decisively changed in the final week through calculated malice and actions that made a mockery of the rules. Sans this interference, Yes would most likely have won. After the media spent 2 years calling Yes uncertain and making Salmond has no Plan B currency jokes, to watch them endorse the laughable back-of-a-fag-packet drivel that constituted their apparent Plan A was an absolute mockery of journalism. Their Vows promised nothing, and they will deliver nothing. Not a single specific power was mentioned in any of it. Not one. Gordon Browns speech contained the only promise with any substance, a federalised UK which would cost London billions. As mentioned, Brown has no way to actually deliver on this. Westminster now say 3 years is apparently the soonest that anything can be devolved. Now, three weeks after the vote, newspapers confirm everything that Yes was ridiculed for: The NHS IS under threat, oil WILL last 120 years, the fellow who predicted less has been rewarded with fracking contracts that we are powerless to prevent, Asda has been awarded the humiliating benefit card contract, bombs are sent to reinforce our military strength while the disabled and elderly die in poverty and fear due to public service cuts. Ill be voting Yes in the next referendum that happens when the floating No voters realise theyve been had and the nonsense promises that were made fail to materialise. Until then, David Cameron can go ---- himself.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:19:37 +0000

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