We are all connected. There is nothing separating me from you. - TopicsExpress


We are all connected. There is nothing separating me from you. There is nothing separating you from someone else. There is nothing separating you from anyone on this planet. Underneath our bones we are all one spirit, one love. We can reach each other across all time and space with the intention to do so. We are capable of feeling what others feel because we are connected. So imagine, if every human being on this planet...EVERY HUMAN BEING...focused 5 minutes of their day sending love to loved ones and the entire planet...imagine how that might possibly change the state of our world. When you focus on love, violence doesnt make sense. When you focus on love, anger doesnt make sense. When you focus on love, fear doesnt make sense. When you focus on love, loss does not make sense. Nothing other than love and peace make sense, when you focus on love. War would begin to lose its charge. People would drop guns out of their lives. Killing would make no sense. Bullying or trying to pick a fight at any age would make no sense. Relationships would thrive. Soul mates would recognize each other. Disease will heal and be removed from our consciousness. Forcing children to live up to expectations based on unresolved parental fears and hurts would be banished. The vibrational state of our planet would be restored to wholeness. Nations would join forces and there would be PEACE! Contrast would disappear. I believe in that. The bottom line is that love heals and focusing on anything else is a waste of your precious time. It keeps you separate from others. It keeps you from experiencing the magic of your children, love, joy, the world and everything wonderful that is available to you. What if you made 5 minutes of love, part of your daily routine? I bet, with a little bit of time, you will see and feel what I am talking about. Its time. IT IS TIME! ~Marilyn
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 00:59:25 +0000

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