We are competitive in places that people did not expect us to be. - TopicsExpress


We are competitive in places that people did not expect us to be. We now have multiple paths to take back the Senate. Republicans have to win six seats currently occupied by Democrats. Right now, polls have us tied or ahead in more than six states, with Republican candidates closing the gap in other states. Democrats running for reelection have a record to examine, and it’s a record of almost complete support for the president. For example: North Carolinas Kay Hagan voted with the president 96% of the time. New Hampshire’s Jeanne Shaheen stood with him 99% of the time. Colorado’s Mark Udall voted with him 99% of the time. That’s an impossible record to defend. That’s not to say it will be easy. We’re going to have to keep working hard for the next two months. But with the momentum—and more importantly, the American people—on our side, victory is within reach.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:00:01 +0000

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