We are in sad and difficult time hearing many kinds of calamities - TopicsExpress


We are in sad and difficult time hearing many kinds of calamities that are occurring here and there on earth. As you know yesterday Malaysian Airplane has crushed and shot down, on the same day Korean firefighting helicopter has crushed also. It was terrible. The calamities are unceasing...! What did Our Lady of Naju say about this ? Let us hear her voice from Heaven : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- On July 17, 2014. Rescuers work near the wreckage of a firefighting helicopter Thursday after it crashed into a street near an apartment complex in Gwangju, killing all five passengers and injuring a passerby The chopper was returning to its headquarters from search operations for 11 people who went missing in the deadly ferry sinking in April 2014. Also on the same day (July 17, 2014) a passenger plane carrying 295 people was shot down Thursday over a town in the east of the country. It was the second time that a Malaysia Airlines plane was lost in less than six months. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared in March while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It has not been found, but the search has been concentrated in the Indian Ocean far west of Australia. Message of Love from the Blessed Mother of Naju on March 10, 1991 The big calamities that occur here and there are warnings. I feel so sad and anxious, as I watch human sufferings under the warnings and punishments. Therefore, daughter! I implore you with sorrows in order to protect you from the traps laid by the devils. All the children of the world! How sad it will be if the fire falls upon you from the sky! Pray and pray again. This current age is extremely important for the whole human race. Shouldnt you find ways to protect yourselves from the many calamities? Your God looks down at your acts and is about to punish you. But He is still forgiving you. Repent hurriedly. Repent sincerely and come back to God Who can save you. You must repent, because the sins of this world have reached an extremely high level. The world is mired in evil habits and delinquency. As order is disturbed, chaos is increasing and the spiritual world is being destroyed. All things are collapsing, provoking the wrath of God. My beloved children! Become little persons and follow me humbly and with hope and courage. When you follow me wholeheartedly in response to my messages of love, new buds will sprout even from the burnt ground, my love will flame up on the ruins and a cup of blessing instead of a cup of wrath will be bestowed upon you by God. 20 years later... The Blessed Mothers appeal to us became stronger..! Message of Love from the Blessed Mother of Naju on March 10, 2011 I have at numerous times told you, even showing the numerous unprecedented signs and repeating the same words, what the countermeasures are against the many calamities that continue to occur at various places in the world. Nevertheless, the Gwangju Archdiocese has not heeded the repeated warnings and, far from approving (the facts of Naju), has not even contemplated investigating them but has only fabricated falsehoods by cunningly distorting words and, thus, has been playing the roles of Judas and Cain. How can God be not angry? If they keep their mouths closed, even the stones will shout. Therefore, they must hurriedly accept the words of my Son Jesus and this Mommy who is the Co-Redemptrix and, thereby, correct and straighten up the wrongs for the salvation of the world. In this extremely important time when the cup of Gods wrath is already flowing over, you, who have been called, must spread the messages of love courageously as the final efforts for the salvation of the world by displaying the spirit of martyrdom so that the clergy and children in the whole world may accept the will of this Mother who is so anxious. The clergy and children who follow me are extremely few, even though the acceptance and practice of the messages of love from my Son Jesus and me given through my beloved daughter can become the shortcut to the spiritual and physical healing and to Heaven. That is why the pandemonium of great calamities that Satan cruelly desires with the intention of leading all of the souls to perdition is occurring endlessly. However, if Naju is approved and all of the clergy and children in the world accept and practice the messages of love that have been given through my little soul, the cup of Gods wrath will cease, the new day will break, and the Lords Kingdom will come. All of my beloved children! Because the cup of Gods wrath is now flowing over, a stern warning from God will descend within a short time and many people will tremble with fear. Impress it on your minds that there is no more time to hesitate and procrastinate. At this time when major calamities are coming down here and there in the sky, on the ground, and in the sea, I wish you, who have responded with Amen, to totally subject even your free will to me, become submerged, completely dissolved, and united in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and me, and work. You who follow my Son Jesus and me should not worry but display the power of love more vigorously and work heroically and most loyally. If you, who have been called as my true sons and daughters, only do not turn your backs, you will be protected and guarded in my Son Jesus and my mantle regardless of what calamities of nature may occur and, on the last day, will be escorted by the angels into Heaven, which is the Kingdom of the Lord filled only with joy, love, and peace, and will enjoy eternal happiness.” najumary.or.kr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- we are praying for the people who died suddenly with our deep mournful heart. Lord! Have mercy on us!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:26:10 +0000

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