We are joined by Naturopath and Registered Nurse, Natlaie - TopicsExpress


We are joined by Naturopath and Registered Nurse, Natlaie Cruttenden who I met last week in Melbourne and shines health and vitality! I am sure you are going to love her story, so please share with your tribe if her story resonates with you. We also have 2 winners from yesterdays giveaway of Family Food, Frances ONeill and Kristen MacDougal, please email your mailing address and who you would like the books made out to hello@thepaleoway please. Over to you Natalie..... Hello Pete, It was really lovely to meet you at the Valet Chef launch on Tuesday night. As I said, I love what you’re doing and your passion and authenticity really shine through. I’ve had a really great experience with Paleo and it has impacted just about every aspect of my life, both personally and professionally. I studied Naturopathy in the early 90’s including 4 years of nutrition. Although there was an emphasis on organics and wholefoods we were still essentially taught through the model of the grain dominant food pyramid. For the next 15 years or so I practiced naturopathy as well as working as a Registered Nurse at the Royal Women’s Hospital. Much of my time there was spent in IVF nursing so my practice tends to have an emphasis on fertility and reproductive health (as well as sports nutrition but we’ll get to that….) Then, in 2010 I happened to read a very short article in a Metagenics journal touching on Paleo. It intrigued me so I ordered Loren Cordain’s The Paleo Diet and discovered a wealth of information at Mark Sisson’s marksdailyapple. Physiologically, it just made perfect sense. I adopted the diet immediately and just couldn’t believe the difference it made to my health. I woke up on the 3rd day and literally had energy to burn. Up until this time fatigue was a daily companion. I put it down to having a busy life with 2 gorgeous daughters who were 5 and 2 at the time and, along with my husband, running our own practice at Resonance Complementary Therapies. Nevertheless, despite taking herbs and having B vitamin injections I just couldn’t seem to shake it. So, to wake up feeling like an entirely different person was incredible. Over the next few months I just felt better and better. I had never considered myself to be sick but niggling health issues disappeared. My skin cleared up, dermatitis went away, no more bloating and no more blood sugar fluctuations. I wasn’t overweight but I lost a few kilos effortlessly and eventually hit a point where I was ready to really commit to exercise. Enter CrossFit. At that time any Paleo blog or website (there weren’t that many then!) would talk about CrossFit when the subject of fitness came up. So, I bit the bullet and joined Schwartz’s CrossFit Melbourne. CrossFit is now a regular part of my life and I absolutely love it. In fact, nutrition and CrossFit are the two passions in my life and I am fortunate enough that they now intersect on a professional level. Many CrossFit gyms run 30 day Paleo Challenges. Over the past couple of years I have worked with many of them by giving a talk on Paleo nutrition then testing each person’s body composition. This gives a reading of fat mass, muscle mass and some other cellular health markers. The members then follow Paleo for 30 days then I go back and retest their body composition. It gives me a buzz every time because the changes that people make are brilliant. The vast majority of people lose fat without sacrificing muscle and just feel so much better. I’ve also had patients in clinic achieve remarkable health improvements. People have been able to normalise their blood pressure and come off their anti-hypertensives entirely. We’ve had people come off all oral medications for type II diabetes and completely normalise their blood sugar levels. One of my patients was suffering repeated miscarriages and was able to have a healthy girl as soon as she adopted Paleo (we actually discovered that she was undiagnosed coeliac). I’ve had patients with alopecia have their hair regrow and people with auto-immune conditions get their immunity back in check. I have prescribed various supplement in all these cases but he biggest lesson for me has been that unless a person is able to get their nutrition dialled in then no amount of medications or supplements will over-ride poor diet. There may be some degree of symptom control but never a true resolution. It breaks my heart that many people are suffering unnecessarily by making, often inadvertently, poor food choices. That’s why it’s so brilliant that you have been able to get your message out to so many people. Good on you Pete and thanks so much for inviting me to share my story. Natalie Cruttenden Naturopath | Homeopath | Registered Nurse 231B High Street Ashburton Vic 3147 Telephone: 9885 5964 resonancetherapy.au Thanks Natalie for sharing. If you would like to win a copy of Family Food then tell us in the comments how incorporating paleo into your lifestyle has enabled you to rediscover fitness and sports that you thought you wouldnt do again. Here is Frances and Kristen stories from yesterday too. Frances ONeill In my mid 50s I took out life insurance as I didnt think Id make it to 60. I just felt generally unwell - overweight, achy, sluggish, bouts of digestive pain, vacillated between diarrohea and constipation, and reflux. I was eventually hospitalised with gall stones and gall bladder disease. Due to the infection in the gall bladder they didnt remove it immediately but told me to come back in 6 weeks. During that time I began researching diet for gall stones. A whole new world began to open up to me. Real Food by Nina Planck caused a revolution followed by Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. I was amazed how quickly my health began to improve as I cleaned out my cupboard of all processed goods and shopped the perimeters. My husband listened to me as I shared my enthusiasm for what I had discovered. He got more enthusiastic about the vegetable garden and I cancelled my surgery. I have continued to fine tune our diet as we have added in kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, fermented carrots and beetroot, vegetable juicing, removing most grain. My husband is no longer on blood pressure tablets. Now as Im pushing 60 I feel better than I did in my 40s. I cant help but tell anyone wholl listen. Kristen MacDougal I have had a long history with anxiety and depression which I have managed through diet, lifestyle and counselling, however, I never really got my spark back after my first child was born 9 years ago. I have always been in good physical shape but I have been somewhat of a misery guts and plagued by guilt that I couldnt be the vibrant mother, partner and friend that I knew was in my destiny. When my beautiful 6 yo boy was diagnosed with Autism last year, I looked into BED and GAPS protocols and began my journey with fermented foods. I have taken probiotics before many times, however the impact of of eating naturally fermented foods has been profound. We have milk kefir in our morning smoothie, sauerkraut, kimchi or brine pickles at most meals and enjoy delicious fizzy water kefir flavoured with lemon and ginger (or my sons favourite, goji, lime, ginger, star anise and cinnamon). Since our first taste of sauerkraut, my son has been able to go on a couple of play dates, enter sporting competitions and go to a kids concert, none of which he could have done 6 months ago. I have been able to cope with a very stressful time, including marriage counselling and moving my son into a special needs class at school without falling apart, which considering the last time I had a panic attack, it was because I got lost driving and I awoke with partial paralysis of one side of my body the following day, is HUGE. My experiences with fermented foods has been life changing and I would encourage everyone to just have a go at making some sauerkraut. Its easy, delicious and at about $3 a cabbage, you have nothing to lose. I promise, once youve made it, youll never look back! The information on this page is general information and should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Do not use the information found on this page as a substitute for professional health care advice. Any information you find on this page or on external sites which are linked to on this page should be verified with your professional health care provider. Pete Evans does not make any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information set out on this page, and shall not have any liability for any misrepresentation (express or implied) contained in, or for any omissions from, the information on this page. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury whether based upon consumer law, negligence or any other cause of action.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:18:06 +0000

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