We are reposting this from Sailors Page! Friends, there has - TopicsExpress


We are reposting this from Sailors Page! Friends, there has been some amazing energy and a fair amount of controversy surrounding the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I think its wonderful that we are all able to express our opinions and views openly and freely. I also think its wonderful that we can utilize tools like Social Media for the greater good, when oftentimes Social Media can seem like a greater bad. I have been reading all of your opinions and concerns and I have taken them into consideration. I have also known people who have succumbed to ALS and have a very dear friend currently fighting for a family member. Last night I filmed the beautiful, smart and talented Maddy Bailey doing her ice bucket challenge. And I thought, how can I support her but also support some of the concerns others have raised during this ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? So here are my two cents. Well, a little more than that. 1.) Maddy, I support your effort and match your donation to the ALS Association 100%. I have donated in the name of #TeamTruman for Michelle Stumbris. The Retrocentric Pinup Studio will also be matching Maddys donation. 2.) I have also read the concerns about wasting fresh water, so I have matched my donation again by donating a water purifier from Oxfam Unwrapped to a village/family in need. So to all of you out there who have done the #ALSIceBucketChallenge I challenge you all to join me and provide clean water for those in need. Lets double this effort! https://oxfamamericaunwrapped/gifts/water-purifier/ 3.) I have also read many folks saying that throwing ice on your head is not as powerful as donating your time, such as volunteering somewhere. So I will commit to volunteering 20 hours of my time before the end of 2014. I challenge you all to join me. Lets triplicate this effort! So instead of being cynical and complaining on Social Media about Social Media and silly campaigns, lets all be creative and offer an alternative solution, plan or way to make a change. But lets not loose site of the mission. I NOMINATE YOU!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:56:41 +0000

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