We are so excited to have our girl home. Pax is thrilled, too. Hes - TopicsExpress


We are so excited to have our girl home. Pax is thrilled, too. Hes taken quite naturally to the role as big brother. We were absolutely not expecting that she would come home. Our conversation with the doctor this morning ended with us expecting that she would remain at the NICU for another week. He came back not more than 15 minutes later and said that he would be discharging her today. He explained that after last nights good weight gain and her improved eating that he didnt feel like he had a good enough reason to keep her there. She is still taking a small amount of fortified milk with each meal (at least, each that she will wake up for) in addition to nursing. Of course, after that very unexpected plot twist, we were all sorts of discombobulated, and our schedule has been a bit crazy today. Shes eaten well at some points and poorly at others. We are wrapping up our day with a bout of good eating (even while she is tired). Bringing home a baby who is so fragile makes you feel crazy. Shes such an odd combination of healthy and ill, its nearly impossible to know what to anticipate or how to feel. A single dry diaper has sent me into a tizzy tonight. We would be crushed to have to return to the NICU (in spite of how much we love the people with whom weve worked there, we hope to never see the inside of it as patients again). There is so much continued room for prayer-- pray that Laurel will eat well and we can all settle into her schedule as we should. Pray that she will gain weight-- this is a fairly substantial issue. Weight gain indicates that she has more calories going in than coming out, which means she will have reserve for when she is attempting to complete normal developmental tasks. Also, please pray for peace for us. Pray that we can have continued confirmations that Laurel is well-- things like wet and occasionally soiled diapers. Thank you all for your prayers. We have had a blessed afternoon at home and look forward to sharing the report from tomorrows nurse practitioner follow up appointment. We are exhausted, and therefore, we are going to bed!
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 05:10:23 +0000

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