We definitely need a true Conservative who actually has a full - TopicsExpress


We definitely need a true Conservative who actually has a full understanding of what it actually means to us as a nation and as a people and knows what is directly at stake if we are not able to turn our nation around and away from its now totalitarian Communistic and Liberal Agenda because as Reagan said if we mess up this nation we have not where else to run to since it is last best hope on this Earth! Read his true definition as to what Conservatism is as defined 50 years ago! Hopefully, we can find another true minded Conservative who will be able to put our nation back on the right pathway once again--perhaps we will be able to find one prior to our next Presidential Election--who knows how our nation was founded and built to be run for a prosperous future for all American Citizens and I, personally, do not believe that includes giving the key to our nations treasury to foreign illegal invaders who are taking our jobs and living-off the backs of the Middle-Class Taxpayers who are far over-extended already. We need a Conservative Statesman who knows how to conduct himself as a gentlemen the whole world over while at the same time saying what really needs to be said and backing it up with a strong military force who will not be constantly being faced down by the militaries of third world dictators who no longer take our so-called president at his word since he never leads with strength and always appears to be selling our nation and her people out to the highest-bidders, instead of leading from a position of real strength and not being afraid to use our military might when it is truly needed. We need a Conservative President who stands up for our United States Constitution and our nations Bill Of Rights and is not willing to compromise the rights that have been guaranteed to our own American Citizens. Our nation was founded on the God Given Principles that all Americans are guaranteed the rights of life, liberty, and freedoms to be able to live their lives within our nations true Rule Of Law without and over-reaching government who is seeking to take the control of our government from We The People and permit them to live their own everyday lives with the absolute least amount of interference from our Centralized Federal Government which has as of now far over-stepped its boundaries which only empower it to do for the individual states what they are unable to do for themselves along such as providing for the common defense against all foreign and DOMESTIC ENEMIES which are becoming more and more of an internal problem for We The People each and everyday because of a federal government determined to take all of the power and control from our American Citizens and remove their individual freedoms from their abilities to live and control their own lives without undue interference every time we turn around by government intent on maintaining absolute control over all areas of our lives including our right to free speech and to be able to practice our faith as we so choose without any infringement from the federal government. Our nations free press and media outlets are now controlled as though they are bought out by a foreign power and are ruled in such a manner that they dare not investigate the actions of our government when it has stepped over its legal boundaries as it has been regularly doing and the press is apparently either bought and sold or they have been threatened like some Socialist/Marxist news media that they dare not inform the American Public of the real facts and truth as to what Is being done behind our backs in our nation on a regular basis. I pray to Holy Almighty God that He will once again exercise HIS full power and reinstate the proper values and morals across our land which have been bringing us as a nation under the all our wrath of Almighty God with His Holy Commands and Truth being regarded as a all out mockery across our nation today with more respect being paid to The Satanic Lies being propounded across our nation under the guise of so-called Political Correctness which denies anyone the right to believe as they choose an dares them to speak out their true opinions as to what should be the true moral standards to be adhered to all across our nation while what is outright Evil is called Right and Good and what is truly Good and Moral are being daily attacked as being bigoted and intolerant by those who are an extremely small proportion of our population who demand to be able to control and deny the liberty and freedoms all others who may in any manner disagree with their own chosen way of life while at the very same time they demand tolerance from all others but they are NOT willing to grant any tolerance to anyone else who refuses to following their own demanded wake and rules and regulations. It if now long past the time for all true American Citizens to all be treated as equals with none thinking they have any kind of government given rights to lift themselves to a higher level of status than all us with whom they share this nation with. I believe that we should all adhere to the laws of our land as enacted and passed by our United States Congress and that our Executive Branch according to the presidents own oath of office is bound by our U.S. Constitution to enforce all laws so enacted by our U.S. Congress whether as president he personally agrees with said laws his sworn oath of office binds him to enforce all such legally enacted laws of our nation and see to it that they are properly implemented across our land and enforced by our U.S. Attorney Generals U.S. Justice Department without any alterations being made to said laws enacted and passed by our U.S. Congress. The Executive Branch is not empowered to circumvent the United States Constitution which has delegated to The United States House Of Representatives and The United States Senate which together compose our U.S. Congress the right to formulate and pass all of the laws to be enacted across our nation which are not to be bypassed or changed in any unlawful manner to conform to the desires of the current president in office when he is personally opposed to the laws of the land as enacted by our U.S. Congress. The Executive Branch obviously headed up by The President Of The United States should not in any way abuse or bypass Our United States Constitution and our Bill Of Rights which together compose The Rule Of Law which governs our nation as a whole. Nor should our president continue to totally ignore the will of We The People Of These United States, whereby, our nations immigration laws are totally ignored and abused by permitting foreigners who are knowingly and willingly breaking the laws of our land without any real consequences being brought to bear upon their unlawful actions such as their immediate deportation from our U.S. Soil. I feel like I speak for the vast majority of the American Citizens who are the hard-workers and the tax-payers who are required to pay taxes upon just about everything in our nation today except perhaps for the AIR we currently breathe and I believe that as soon as there is a manner to monitor the exact amount of Oxygen we as individuals breathe I each and every day that there will be a method somehow devised by our greedy federal government for placing a tax on the AIR we breathe as well because any government which would go so far as to try and charge our nations farmers for all of the Methane Gas given off by there herds of beef or dairy cattle that there is no end in sight to the rules and regulations that this nation will try and enforce in order to pick our pockets for as much more tax money as they can possibly figure out a way to collect whether it is legal to do so or not! The EPA rules and regulations that are now being enacted upon bamas say so alone should be immediately abolished as they are an absurd and unnecessary burden being placed upon our already nearly bankrupt and over-taxed nation. The Environmental Protection Agency is a superfluous agency an the costs of all of its rules and regulations are prohibitive and should be ruled unlawful because of their interference with the everyday lives and freedoms of American Citizens--not to mention the stupidity of blaming CO2--Carbon Dioxide--for any and all supposed kinds of change in our worlds climate when everyone with one eye and have a brain with any professional college education should be intelligent enough to know that life cannot continue upon this planet without the Carbon Dioxide that is given off by our own lungs along with other mammals who are exchanging Oxygen in order for our own bodies to function while at the same time all forms of plant life require a constant supply of CO2--Carbon Dioxide--in order for our planet to be able to continue with all of the flora and fauna that is growing all around us and necessary for survival of our world as it has always worked together throughout its history. Albert Gore, Jr., who just so happens to supposedly have been a native from Tennessee and who has made up the myth of Global Warming which he later had to change to Climate Change is outrageously stupid for his also having claimed that he himself was responsible for having created the World Wide Internet. The only thing Al has accomplished is to line his pockets with many millions of dollars with all of his speakers fees and book royalties and not to surely forget his being awarded The Nobel Peace Prize for his gift of lying about his many accomplishments. I believe it would be quite refreshing for a change to have at least some of Obamas Administration who are concerned and even capable of ever telling the truth about anything they open their mouths about since the majority of American Citizens are NOT Members Of The Muslim Brotherhood who are encouraged to lie to their enemies who are not believers in Allah and his false prophet, Mohammed, whose Quaran advises them that they are free to lie at will to all of the Infidels to further the cause of the Muslim Caliphate to take over our whole world and with Obamas help with so many of his fellow Muslim Brotherhood Members working in his administration with the offices located within our own nations Whitehouse. We are not all dumb sheepels or lemmings who are willing to believe everything we are told an follow our presidential pied-piper right-off of any cliff he so chooses to lead us off of because some of us actually do have higher than average intelligences and do not believe each and every lie we are fed--one right after another. It would be such a refreshing change to hear nothing but the actual real truth coming out of the talking-heads at our Whitehouse--just once in a while for a change! I truly had high hopes for you actually trying to live up to the title of Americas First Black President by you being a man truly deserving of our trust and respect as our highest official in office in our nation and was so terribly disappointed to learn that you have certainly not even tried to live-up to your advanced billing. Our nation truly needs a president who would work to unite and bring together our nations people as one people united together while seeking the good of one and all instead of being a man who seems to enjoy bringing--about as much division as is humanly possible between the races of or nation of people who were much closer together as a nation of people until you started to try and work as hard as you were able to seek to bring about another Civil War between the various races of people all across our land. You could have been The Great Uniter instead of the great divider.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:07:40 +0000

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