We did it! School term DONE! No school until Jan 5th! Now, by We - TopicsExpress


We did it! School term DONE! No school until Jan 5th! Now, by We I mean me + all the wonderful people that helped me get through this term. My classmates, my kids, my family, my friends, and many, many kind souls that helped without even knowing us personally. Meal deliverers, money/time/ item donators, baby holders, house cleaners, errand runners, fixer uppers, ....and all the other people that have done things for us! I have to admit that these last two weeks have been very rough. I hadnt showered or even changed my clothes for three days before this morning.....three, you read that right. Between my terrible cold, the babies, and the insane amounts of school work I had to complete, its honestly a wonder I made it through. There are so many messages and calls I just couldnt return and so many things left undone. I hope everyone understands that I was not ignoring anyone, just not capable of mentally processing anything else. Unfortunately, I now have no excuse for not doing all the tasks required when someone passes and it really sucks. Now I have to call all the accounts to remove his name, re-do my will, find new health insurance, figure out how to live on half the income, and about a hundred other things that no one at my age should have to do. Please continue to be patient with me as make my way through all of this. I think it was interesting that today was the first sunny day since Rob passed. Today begins a new chapter as we find our new normal. New normal was what they told Rob he would have to find after his stem cell transplant. I had no idea that we would be doing this without him, but we are going to do it and we are going to be fine. Onward and upward!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:03:03 +0000

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