We had 2 young ladies knock on our door on wednesday they were - TopicsExpress


We had 2 young ladies knock on our door on wednesday they were doing an information piece on eyesight , eye diseases and blindness a community project , my dog Rosie was barking like crazy so I took her to the door to meet them they told me they`d seen us down the fields earlier in the week and wanted to stroke her so much , I asked Michelle if it was ok to invite them in for a chat , they came in for the first 20 minutes just played with Rosie , they told us that they were both at Uni one was a muslim the other was black we talked about religion , racism and they told us of the abuse they`d received that day , they said they realised that some people just didn`t want to be bothered and they didn`t mind the no thank you`s or even having doors slammed in their faces but some people just verbally abused them as they walked away. I felt sickened and ashamed that they were treated like that by their fellow human beings and felt so sorry for them as individuals , we talked about music the young muslim girl told us that her dad had got her listening to soft rock like the Eagles etc. but as she got older she developed her own musical tastes everything from jazz to classical to rock and her favourite bands included Metallica , Green Day , Red Hot Chilli Peppers , they explained the project and gave me some very useful information about eyes ( those of you that know me know my eyesight is rubbish ) they never once asked for a donation or sign up to support the project their work was voluntary , as they were leaving they saw my guitars and asked if played I told them I could get a tune out of them but didn`t play well the young muslim girl ( she was the most talkative ) asked if I could play Green Days "Boulevard of Broken Dreams " I did and she sang it , it struck me how appropriate that the song was to her, she was giving up her free time to try and help others and was getting abuse for her trouble she must feel at times " I walk alone , I walk alone " she said she was going to put Green Days " American Idiot " on in the car so I played that and they both sang it , she said I might want to check out Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails ,I said I knew of him because Johnny Cash covered his song " Hurt " shortly before he died and I think it`s a beautiful song so I played that aswell , she said I should listen to the band Lost Prophets and I will , they thanked us for our hospitality and left , so ladies if you read this good luck for the future it was a pleasure meeting you , I have purposefully omitted your names for your anonymity in case some of your family , fellow students , neighbours don`t understand or think it`s wrong to have such diverse musical tastes or the work that you`re doing in the general community
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:03:33 +0000

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