We had a period from about the start of World War II to the middle - TopicsExpress


We had a period from about the start of World War II to the middle of the Reagan Era, where Americans in general loved the underdog and shared a a common cultural Ethos of discomfort with those that flaunted wealth, a general sense that the rich had a duty to the rest of society, a respect for blue collar workers and unions, and a sort of economic political correctness that although not addressing racial injustice, fundamentally conferred upon fairness and equality a high value. That is absolutely gone today. Political correctness of any form is laughed at. CEOs make obscene salaries, and the radio is just overflowing with offensive anti feminist, anti minority, anti labor, and anti liberal gibberish. Secularism is equated with anti-clericalism, affirmative action is considered reverse discrimination, equality for women is equated with male emasculation and pro labor is considered anti-business heresy. People seem to adore Donald Trump, Rich Housewife reality shows and Millionaire Real Estate Brokers. Who can afford to live like that today? I started college in the seventies and my generation considered these things shallow and in bad taste. Tehn All of a sudden, Ronald Reagan got elected, Dynasty, Dallas and the Love Boat took over from Maude, Moving on Up, and All in the Family. The movie Wall street instead of making people proud of Martin Sheens character, fell in love with Michael Douglas character the heartless corporate raider. Does anybody remember when seeing a Mercedes Benz or BMW on the street was a WOW moment? Somehow we simpletons are dying out and everyone thinks they can be rich. Whats worse, people adore the rich and their values. Instead of this old House where Bob Villa worked on restoring a home to bring back its old charm and uniqueness, now we Flip them to make enormous profits and make affordable housing unattainable. The news has changed. Its a variety program now about lifestyles, and persons of the week and all this brain numbing crapula. We made this right turn in 1980. Its been 34 nauseating years of wealth accumulation by the tiniest fraction of Americans and the loss of rights of wage earners and the poor. My generation may very well be the last to remember not living in constant fear of being fired. The words Christmas Bonus and Pension Plan will be history soon. It is truly depressing. Although I believe in youthful idealism, I dont see it caring much about anything. When was the last time we had a college student strike? A massive labor walk out? Somebody please tell me Im just being negative...
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 22:19:05 +0000

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