We have created above you seven methods and what we were about - TopicsExpress


We have created above you seven methods and what we were about manners oblivious (17) and sent down water from the sky as much as Vosknah in the ground and I to go by the able (18) Voncona your own gardens of palms and grapes you where fruits and many of them eat (19) and tree graduated from Mount Sinai sprout oil and relish for the eaters (20), although you in the cattle for a lesson Nsagakm than in their bellies and where you many benefits, including eat (21) and her and Astronomy bear (22) from Surat Moumnon and explanation for this is as follows ({And We have created above you seven methods} which God has created us above you seven heavens, named the modalities because n on each other {and what we were about ٱlkhalq oblivious} any and we were careless ordered creation but Nhfezhm and we figure ordered them {and sent down from ٱsamae water as much as} any sent down from the clouds diameter and rain, according to need, not so much Vivsd ground, nor a little is not enough crops and fruits {Vosknah in ٱlerd} any made it is steady in the ground to Tantvawa its time of need {and I to go by the capable} and Festival and the threat of any we are able to Azhabh Balnguer in the ground Vthlkun thirstier you meet for the war Ibn Kathir said: if we want to we made if the inn Jaguar in the ground to the extent not pray to him nor Tantfon him we did, but benignity Almighty and His mercy descend upon you rain from the clouds tortured Vrata, Veskinh in the ground, and being supplied springs which opens the eyes and rivers, and irrigated crops and fruits, Vcherbon from you and Doapkm and your cattle {Voncona your own gardens of palms and grapes} any Vokrzina you do water gardens and orchards where palms and grapes {you the fruit of many} What you in these orchards kinds of fruits and fruit Ttfkhon out {including eat} which is the fruit of the heavens eat in summer and winter Kalrdob, grapes, dates and raisins, but singled out the palms and grapes notable for the large number have merits, they are based serves food, and serves as Aladam, and serves as fruits are wet and dry, and two more fruits Arabs {tree graduated from Mount Sinai} any which we have created you with water also olive tree that comes out on Mount Sinai, a mountain which God spoke to Moses {sprout Bٱldhen} any sprout fat of any oil in which the great benefits {and dye eaters} any Edam of eaters called Sbga because colored bread if dipping it, collect God in this tree between fallow and fat, and in the modern (EAT oil and Adhnoa do it from a blessed tree And contented himself with you this explanation and I thank you for your follow-up from all around the globe
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:17:11 +0000

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