We have to start teaching our kids to think even more clearly now - TopicsExpress


We have to start teaching our kids to think even more clearly now because they no longer have to fear only the streets but also those who protect them. Its insane to think that a man or a woman who wear a uniform and a gun is perfect and not capable of having a bad morning for having their bosses ride their ass because they are not putting up numbers, or their family life is in dissaray and getting divoced, or they are in brink of bankruptcy and might once in a while steal some money from drugdealers to make ends meet or even worse, think that these people cannot lie. They are human. They are not robots programmed to ne perfect. They will do whatever they have to to protect themselves, their careers, their benefits, their familys livelihood before you or your child. We as parents have an obligation to teach our children what is right from wrong. We need to prepare our kids not only to defend themselves from the neighborhood gangs but also the other gangs in uniform, the ones with the Us against the world mentality. So we need to teach our children how to respect authority so they wont end up with some black eyes and get the he fell on his face police textbook explenation later or even worst, get killed by a chokehold because he was resisting. Teach our children to respect their elders and their peers. Teach our children the importance of an education so they can become someone the police will fear. Teach our children to dress accordingly and not bring attention to themsleves by having half their ass showing down the street and having him wear clothes that actually may fit him. Teach our children never to incriminate themselves when being question and to always ask for a parent to be present when being questioned or the better yet teach them to say say these beautiful words, I need to speak to my lawyer. This always gets the police to close their note pad and walk out the room in a heartbeat. Let us raise respectful and educated young men and women. They are our future. We need them more now than ever.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:25:12 +0000

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