We just saw Joss Whedon’s “Much Ado about Nothing” and it - TopicsExpress


We just saw Joss Whedon’s “Much Ado about Nothing” and it was fantastic. The best overall acted “Much Ado” I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot of productions of “Much Ado”, some with very famous actors (I’m a big Shakespeare fan). For example Reed Diamond was a better Don Pedro then when Denzel Washington played it. And Cathy thought Nathan Fillion did a better Dogberry (a very difficult role) than either Michael Keaton or Jerry Stiller (though I think Jerry Stiller was better as Dogberry, but only by a little). While Alexis Denisof was not as good a Benedick as Kevin Kline, he was close. You get the idea. But the surprise of the movie and the reason I’m posting this, was I was amazed by how well an actress named Jillian Morgese did playing Hero (one of the female leads). It is a very difficult role to play and rarely played well (I thought both Phoebe Cates and Kate Beckinsale gave totally forgettable performances in the role). But Jillian Morgese was wonderful. It surprised me that I didn’t recognize her. Joss Whedon shot this movie on a whim during a two week break while he was filming the first “Avengers” movie. So everyone in it are friends of his who dropped everything for 2 weeks to do the filming, and all were actors you’ve seen in lots of movies and TV shows. But I never heard of Jillian Morgese before, and so I rushed to look her up when I got home. Turns out, I did see her before (sort of); she was a minor non-speaking extra in “The Avengers”. She impressed Joss Whedon so much he offered her this part, and from this performance she is sure to become a star. I don’t normally “review” movies on Facebook. But this inspiring a story was too good not to share. So Hollywood fairy tales can come true (on rare occasions). nextmovie/blog/joss-whedon-jillian-morgese-much-ado/
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 19:51:26 +0000

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