We keep hearing from the right and especially from the far right - TopicsExpress


We keep hearing from the right and especially from the far right that our nation is becoming like Nazi Germany and they blame our President and accuse him of seeking dictatorial powers with his executive orders. They say he is stepping outside of the constitution when he issues an executive order and yet he has issued fewer executive orders than any of the past presidents since FDR. Funny none of these same people had any problem with Bush the lessor when he issued a ton of executive orders during his 8 years in office. So executive orders are only bad when issued by a Black Democratic President? If they are issued by a lilly white guy from Texas its okay? How does that work? And why werent these people screaming bloody murder and fascism when Bush was issuing his executive orders? Amazing isnt how silent grows the right when you bring that up. But then they never want to be questioned by the facts. They bleat continuously about how our president has overstepped his powers as our chief executive officer, but if you point out all the things Bush the lessor did that were outside the realm of his powers they suddenly develop a bad case of shut mouth disease. And they never answer a question directly when it has to do with their skewing the facts. Why is that? Theres a simple answer for that they cant answer without admitting they have no fact or proof to back it up so it just fumble around with bluster and punt the conversation on down the road. In other words when you cant prove a lie baffle them with bullsh*t. And my other pet peeve against those on the right is their lack of consistency when it comes to government. They dont want the government regulating the environment. They dont want the government to regulate the gun industry. They dont want the government to be involved with helping the poor or the sick and ailing or our seniors, but when it comes to restricting voting rights, well now thats another story altogether. Then its good old government time. If they can find a way to keep certain segments of our society from being able to vote then its Katie Bar the Door government is suddenly a very useful tool. Lets fix a problem that doesnt exist. They do that because they know the fewer people who get out a vote the better their chances of getting elected. There hasnt been a 100 cases of proven voter fraud in this nation in the last 50 years and they know it. Voter fraud is just another bogey man that they use to pass off a lie as fact. What are they afraid of? I believe they are afraid of becoming irrelevant. They are afraid that if they let all the people vote all the people would quickly vote them out of office. And all the hatred, bigotry, greed and avarice they have built up and made into a cottage industry would suddenly be exposed for the sham that it is and they would become irrelevant and meaningless. Wouldnt that be a nice scenario? Bob Bearden
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:37:33 +0000

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