We live in a strange world with strange people doing strange - TopicsExpress


We live in a strange world with strange people doing strange things like Ive always said. The worst blow comes from people close to you, and as Christians from the Church, strange! Isnt it? Cease to struggle to please people or force people to accept you for who you are. The truth is, they know who you are, but out of envy or jealousy they want to label you with a negative name. Did they create you? No! Did they plan your life? No! Do they know your end from the beginning? No! Do they know how many times you have to fall before you can strengthen your brethren? No! Do they know your personal relationship with Father God? No! Do they know the story behind your glory? No! Do they know the pain behind your praise? No! Are they gonna judge you on the last day? No! Do they see your heart, or know the motives behind what you do? No! So if not, why stress over who can kill or destroy your physical body or image, and not your eternal soul or spirit? Your desire should be to please Father God, and obey His commandments. If you can please Him, then you should be able to please any God fearing and reasonable man, and whoever refuses to be pleased no matter how much you try, then dont stress over that but pray for them, and just love them. Remember that mutual respect should qualify the people who should gain access into your life. I personally run Ben Johnson from trouble makers and haters. My spirit abhors to stay where theres no peace. Above all, we should try VERY MUCH to be at peace with people but if they tend to focus on your faults or negativity, then apply wisdom. God bless you exceedingly. With His love + mine. Shalom! Teena Omuni Ministries. John 3:30 Jesus Christ must increase, but I Teena must decrease. July/19/2014. I must die to self for Jesus alone to increase.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:14:55 +0000

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