We may have the knowledge, belief and understanding of our - TopicsExpress


We may have the knowledge, belief and understanding of our salvation, but are we truly living it? Are we full aware of the great sacrifice made on our behalf and what we receive without merit from God? If you feel your answer is yes, take time for one more question. Are you living a life of celebration? As you live life, “Tending Your Garden,” remember who it was that gave the garden to you. Remember His instructions to man in Genesis. We are meant to take dominion over the land entrusted to us. We should speak to it and call forth our plans and success. God gave us free will; there is nothing in this world controlling us. The choices we make are ours and ours alone. What will we do with them? If we return to the Word we find instructions plainly written out for us. Let us follow them. As we are created in God’s image we are like Him, just as a son is like his father. We should be like him. Assess your speech and ensure that nothing negative is coming from your mouth. As we work, in ministry or anything else, we should do so in the Spirit not our flesh or mind. Only this will ensure we will not get tired out. We have no reason to operate under a curse when we’ve been given a blessed covenant. Everything Jesus has is ours! As His coheirs we have full access all He has inherited. We must begin to live that way. Creation has a boss; it is waiting for his employer’s voice to speak and command it. We, as believers, are that boss. The world should be coming to us for direction, provision and advice, but instead the enemy has twisted circumstances and we have become beggars. We are taught in the church to live a life of abundance, and we wholeheartedly agree from our cushioned seats, but when we step out into the world we return to a beggar’s life. When we get this revelation – really, truly and fully comprehend it with our very beings – we will be a continuous party waiting to happen as we abundantly celebrate what God has done for us. As God has delivered us, so we have the authority to deliver creation. Bring to mind once again the fact that we were made in God’s image. This is what makes the enemy so angry. He looks at us and we remind him of God. But too often, the correlation stops there. We look like God, but we don’t live as He intended us to. God is crying out to us, “Don’t just look like me; be like me!” Now is the time to begin. Any second waited is a second wasted living outside of God’s plan. God will never rain on someone who is not ready to manage the field. He will not release His seed to us if we are not prepared to tend the garden correctly. With God the question is never can He do something great in us, but can we handle what He wants to do in us? Are we ready to go through the adversity, responsibility and quite often the uprising of pride that comes along with a promotion? Are we prepared to do whatever it takes, walk in humility and fulfill every detail He has assigned us? Sometimes God withholds from us because we are not yet in that place of readiness. We must first learn to manage ourselves and then our relationships. No longer can we live based on impulse. Too many times we make choices based on a short-term feeling that will have long-term results. The only way we can rule our emotions is to not allow anything in the world to rule us. We must be ruled by the Spirit. As far as our relationships are concerned, we cannot desire ministry yet curse the ministry of others. We cannot pass blame, but must be accountable for our actions. Be prepared to walk away from relationships in your life that pull you away from God and be okay with occasions where He steps in and removes them. When Adam listened to Eve, he was really listening to the serpent’s words. What he was called to feed was now feeding him and when he got caught, his first instinct was to pass the blame. Do not be influenced by people who have given the enemy a foothold in their lives. Moreover, do not be the one who gives the foothold. In either case, if this occurs, be prepared to take responsibility and reveal to God that you are ready for the next season. Ultimately, success is never based on how you feel. If you can get rid of emotions and base your life on the Word, success is inevitable. It is time to take dominion over your field. Tend it, speak to it, plant within it and be sure you are fully equipped for the harvest. Replace any outside influences with God and let Him be the only thing that moves you. Finally, never stop celebrating God. Spend your life rejoicing in Him. That is the greatest example we can give to the world around us.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:30:36 +0000

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