We must be empty before we can be full. The opposite of this - TopicsExpress


We must be empty before we can be full. The opposite of this self-sufficiency. Our sufficiency is not of ourselves (2 Corinthians 3:5) The world promotes self-sufficiency, yet God dwells with the person whose hart is broken (Isaiah. 57:15). This does not mean false humility or cowardice; it means a proper attitude towards self, realizing how weak and sinful we are apart from Christ. Compare the two men in Luke 18:9-14. Mourn This is sincere sorrow for sin! our sin, and the sins of others. How careless we are about sin! We excuse it, yet God hates it, and sin breaks Gods heart. Beware of the sorrow of this world (2 Corinthians. 7:8-10). Peter mourned with Godly sorrow and was forgiven; Judas had remorse - the sorrow of this world - and he took his life. Meekness is not weakness! Jesus was meek (Matthew 11:29), yet he drove the changers from the temple. Moses was meek (Numbers 12:3), yet he judged sinners and even faced Aaron with his sin. Meekness means not asserting my own rights, but living for the glory of God. Christians are to show meekness (Ephesians. 4:1-2; Titus 3:2 A true Christian has an appetite for spiritual things. Ask people what they desire and you will know what they are like. This is not legalism, but mearly the working of the Biblical principal of sowing and reaping. If we show mercy, because Christ has been merciful to us, then mercy will come back to us (Luke 16:1-13; James 2:13; Proverbs 11:17). We do not earn mercy, but we must have hearts prepared to receive it. Not sinlessness (1 John 1:8) but the truth within (Psalms 51:6). It means a single heart, not divided between God and the world. Titus 3:3 describes this world at war, Christians have the Gospel of peace on their feet (Ephesians. 6:1-5), so that wherever they go, they bring peace, This is not Peace at any price, for holiness is more important than peace based on sin (James 3:7-13; Heb. 12:14). Compromise is not peace, but Christians should not be contentious as they contend for the faith. Not that we should be accused Falsely. We should never be guilty of deliberately asking for persecution. If we live Godly lives, suffering will come! notice the rewards: We are in the same company as Christ and the Prophets, and we shall be rewarded in Heaven. 2 Timothy 3:12; 1 Peter 4:15 What a great day Amen Brothers and Sisters .
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:53:29 +0000

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