We need your help TODAY to make a difference for thousands of New - TopicsExpress


We need your help TODAY to make a difference for thousands of New Yorkers who are denied access to care every day when they finally take that important step and reach out for treatment…. only to have it denied by their Insurance Company for not meeting the Medical Necessity requirements of each company. Unfortunately, too many of these same persons end up on the list of overdose deaths. This must STOP, and it must STOP NOW! We are urging all to call the Insurance committee chairs in the Assembly and Senate to push for the access to treatment legislation. Make calls short and succinct, just deliver this type of message, and you can use your own words if you wish. You can bet that they are hearing from the Insurance companies and it is imperative that they hear the our voices, of those that have lost loved ones, those wanting to get help but cant due to discriminatory practices and those of us that will not allow this injustice to continue. Lets send a clear loud message tha we are angry and will not take it anymore. Our elected officials were elected to do the will of the people,join me in letting them know in no uncertain terms what the will of the people is. Treatment on demand, Access to care at the appropriate level of care as determined by a qualified health professional is what we want. Insurance companies should not be dictating the course of treatment the treating professional should. Senator Seward (518)-455-313: Good morning/afternoon; my name is ______________ I am calling from _________to urge Chairman Seward to move Bill # S4623a in the Insurance Committee. This crucial legislation will save countless lives and must be acted on this session. Thank you. Assemblyman Cahill: (518)-455-4436: Good Morning/afternoon; my name is ______________ I am calling from _________to urge Chairman Cahill to move Bill # 7003a in the Insurance Committee. This crucial legislation will save countless lives and must be acted on this session. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 19:25:14 +0000

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