We see and hear of wars and rumors of war that is going on now of - TopicsExpress


We see and hear of wars and rumors of war that is going on now of the religious groups of ideology labeled, ISS, hamas, taliban, and all the terrorists groups that are determined to make converts to their religion of all people or be destroyed . We see Israel being attacked with the intention of them being destroyed as a nation, all had been spoken of by The Lord Jesus in Mathew 24. When ye shall see Jerusalem surrounded by all its enemies, know that The Time of the end is near. The truth is that regardless of how many evil factions of terrorist groups there is the real issue is that the lining up of the anti-Christ is coming against the True Christ of God, Jesus. God will allow the anti-Christ to prevail in deceiving the whole world through religion for the anti-Christ will sit in the temple declaring that he is God. He will do wonders and miracles and the religious world will be deceived and Worship him as God except The Elect or God. The anti-Christ spirit has been in the world all the time, but is gaining it,s power and strength as God allows it to, until He returns and destroys him with the brightness of His coming. Jesus warned us of this time and admonished us to pray and not lose our faith in Him. So the battle is really between The Lord Jesus Christ and the anti-Christ. We are here as the True Church and I believe we will be here to keep The Faith and shine forth in the most devastating power that Satan has. But the faithful of Jesus Christ will prevail. Be sober. Be vigilant. Be of good cheer, as Jesus said, for I have overcome the world. We know the winner in this battle!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:08:05 +0000

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