We spoke in church today. Here is my talk :) How has Christ - TopicsExpress


We spoke in church today. Here is my talk :) How has Christ become the center of my (our) life(s)? It began before we came to earth with the great plan of salvation wherein he gave himself to be sacrificed willingly upon the alter of mercy and justice. Because of this I rejoiced personally knowing I could literally become like my Father in Heaven because of this. He was like the father in his ways and image. It has been recorded that “they appeared similar”. His mannerisms invoke reverence and respect, even from those who have “washed their hands of this man”. The earth, the elements and all living things except man MUST kneel and confess he is the Christ. Even the spirits who were cast from the presence of Father MUST obey his word and the words of those who speak with his power in faith. Because of our God given free agency only mankind can say NO to his plea to “come follow me”. He has become the center of my life because I have been pressed to the earths lowest points and as I have looked up I have seen first his feet, then his face. His feet have born the weight of my life and yours and his face reflects the glow of Godly love which according to Nephi “is the greatest gift of ALL the gifts of God”. All the prophets from Adam to his birth testified that he would come, and all those who have come since his life, ministry, miracles and death have testified that he came and still lives. Christ is the center of my life because he is the author and finisher of my salvation. He has descended below all things that he might succor his people. Because of this he has become able to see me as I am and as I can become. We will not find him in our high seat of office, or in the pride of self indulgence… he comes to the weak and the weary, his ministry is tied to the weak things of the earth so that “they might become strong”. Once we begin in strength to see him as he is, hope is born and faith becomes knowledge. Manifesting Christ as the center of our lives is not done through bumper stickers, CTR rings or images on a wall. While these may prove to be powerful reminders to us that he is there and that we love him, real manifestations are deep, personal and sacred. They are presented to the world by our very lives and as a reflection of the inner vessel. This reflection causes us to do for others the simple and hard things that lift them. As we learn to recognize his feet and his face we begin to walk in his path as close to his footsteps as possible. We desire our feet to be as closely outlines to his in their imprint. The inherent blessing of this is that we walk a safe and sure path, one that carries with it the blessings of angels and power and redemption. One that will ensure that the reflection of his face will be seen in ours as we reach down, across and out to others who are weary and downcast. The word “suffering” cannot be said without a full measure of Jesus in our minds. His willingness to be pressed by evil mortal men and taunted by devils while having not only power over death, but power over those who pressed the pain and suffering upon him. This elevates him as a God who was and is in control of his passions and his actions. Who chooses because he knows. Because of his mortal experience he is able to see through our trials to a clear destination, while we in the midst sometimes only see the ground through tear filled eyes of despair and sorrow. He lifts us when we finally give up our will and our way. When we completely see that his power is mighty to save and to cleanse from all unrighteousness, we finally then begin to understand that our mortal concerns are covered by his blood beyond sin and extends to illness, death, economics and pain. This recognition sometimes for us mortals is seasonal, but for true disciples of Christ that have been pressed and lifted, it is a permanent condition of deep personal love, willingness and perseverance. Our bond with the savior, our Father in Heaven and the power of faith amplified by the Holy Ghost is sanctified. We then become more able to lift, love, and learn the lessons that make him the center of our lives. In marriage these lessons learned and applied give us a strength and a willingness to serve your spouse, children, parents and siblings without recourse. It inspires us to “make the phone call” or visit those who have become distant. A Christ centered life founded upon our own personal Gethsemane’s continually reminds us of our dependance on the mercy of the master, thereby giving us strength to reach out to broken ties or estranged family members. Perhaps out of all the virtues faith is the one that binds us closest with the heavens and the savior. The process to obtain this virtue is simple, yet the need for complete focus and constant choice cannot be overstated. First: We must choose to have faith - it is a conscious decision. It is the very act of faith to choose. Second: When the billowing surge conspire against you, when fierce winds become your enemy, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way, you must choose then to exercise faith. You must believe that this is a trial from a loving God intended to help you become more reliant upon him through the atonement of Christ. Third: As the trial continues and at times for years, remember oh remember that it is upon the rock of our redeemer that we build our house. Faith does not flinch and it is the direct opposite of fear. When fear enters your life decide to cast it out and to choose faith which will give you hope and lead to knowledge. RESULTS: The result of this Christ centered life weather it is you alone or in a family is that faith will become the hallmark of your character. You will realize that the purpose of our trials is Godly even if we do not get our desired mortal outcome. The peace, growth and understanding acquired will outweigh the treasure, towers and flattery lost. Over time and through practice this cycle will become knowledge, that God the Father lives and Jesus is the Christ. You will know that his process will lead you to the the most beautiful place and result in his eternal approval. It will manifest itself through selfless acts of kindness and a countenance that reflects the calmness and confidence of the spirit of Christ. In the end of your mortal journey you will through this faith inspired process enjoy the words, the comfort and the reality of “well done”. Heaven will have prepared a place for you that reflects the beautiful mosaic of your life on earth magnified by the eternal perspectives both given and received. Brothers and sisters, may you each recognize the saviors call through your trials, and realize the full measure of his comfort, that can only be had by those who chose to exercise faith unto salvation.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 00:29:48 +0000

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