We, the members of the kikuyu council of Elders and Citizens of - TopicsExpress


We, the members of the kikuyu council of Elders and Citizens of this great Nation stand here today to declare our solemn vow, to those characters who seem to be determined to frustrate our Democratic Elected Government, that we shall vehemently resist and reject anyone who thinks that we are going sit back and allow them to push this country into a state of anarchy and turmoil. We are sending a warning to these individuals that our support for the Jubilee Coalition was and remains absolute and non negotiable, and that we are 100% behind our President and his Government. We also urge His Excellency the president not to be intimidated in any way and not to waver from his quest to deliver the Jubilee manifesto that promises to achieve real and positive transformation. There is no doubt that for the very first time since our independence, we finally have a government that is Honest, open and responsive to the needs of her people. Interestingly, and well within the character of the losing coalition, CORD, they have been shamelessly rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of reaping from what they are hoping will be a major falling out between the Jubilee Coalition Government and the people of Kenya. They are hoping to take advantage of any situation that may arise to cause as much instability as they think they can create! But alas, we have Bad news for these Idlers, “WE SHALL NOT GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO GET YOUR WAY! “ In addition, these same individuals have continued to defy the same constitution that they have been purporting to uphold, safeguard and obey by continuously making public pronouncements in defiance to the Judiciary and lending their support to those who break the law by refusing to obey court orders, while at the same time trying everything within their powers to make this country as ungovernable as they possibly can. Mr Raila Odinga has for instance labelled the Isaack Hassan led electoral commission (IEBC) as the worst and most corrupt ever! Never mind the fact that the Commission was set up at a time when the coalition government was in place and that all appointments were made through consultations between his ODM wing of the Government and that of the PNU. The fact is that the IEBC presided over an election that was unprecedented in size and one that was by far the most Transparent, Free and Fair. Without any fear of contradiction, the IEBC carried out the whole exercise in a manner that the rest of Africa and indeed the world can only hope to achieve. Our advice to Mr Raila is that the Elections are over and it is about time for him and his colleagues to give us a break and focus on the future. The Kikuyu Council of Elders Association is also extremely concerned about the action that our teachers, led by their union (KNUT) had chosen to take. Make no mistake, we are true believers in the rule of law, and we appreciate that it is everyone’s constitutional right to agitate for better working conditions; similarly it is also true that our Teachers have every right to expect better working terms and conditions. However we find it quite curious that KNUT officials had opted to take a hard-line position in dealing with the Government. They had opted to go on strike rather that to negotiate with the Government while at the same time displaying total defiance to a Court order asking them to go back to work. The fact that His Excellency the President and the Deputy president had both come out openly to plead with the KNUT officials to come to the negotiating table while at the same time appealing to the teachers to go back to school, should have been reason enough for them to show some respect to the Head of state. His Excellency the President’s explanation to the Nation on the reasons as to why the teachers demand could not be met at this moment in time was extremely clear and understandable. He even went on to explain the benefits or the Multiplier effect that will accrue to the Country at large by just rolling out the school Lap-top project. We find it quite baffling that despite the appeal by the head of state, and notwithstanding the fact that our Courts had ordered the teachers back to class and also ordered KNUT to go back to the negotiating table, they still continued to remain defiant. Curiously, Mr Raila and his CORD brigade, in their usual comical dismissive way of dealing with any issue that have has very little grasp of, continue to lament that the Laptop Project is doomed to fail because the gadgets will be stolen from our children on their way to and from school! Not much needs to be said about this point of view because it makes very little sense. However, most Kenyans understand the Jubilee Governments intentions and it matters NOT! What the naysayers might want to imagine. There is no doubt in our minds that the Lap-top program will succeed. We are promising those who would wish to destabilize the Jubilee Government be it from within (CORD) or without (Foreigners) that they are in for a rude shock. They must recognize that we have total faith in the leadership of His Excellency the President Uhuru Kenyatta and The Deputy President William Ruto and we will continue to jealously guard, protect and support our LEGITIMATELY ELECTED LEADERS AND GOVERNMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY. Finally, the world over, elections are normal events that come and go and by their nature, have and must always produce a winner and/or losers to the contest. The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to make a choice as to who will govern the Nation for a specific period of time. This formula may not be perfect, but then it gives the citizens of a country the chance to employ a GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE. For example, the biggest proponents of democracy the world over, the Americans went into a General election in 2012. In exercising their democratic right to vote, the American citizens gave President Obama a second term in office in an election outcome that was extremely close. President Obama garnered 62 Million votes or 50.6 percent to Romney’s 59 million votes or 47.8 percent, ( A two point gap) A margin of about 3 million votes only! Comparatively, in our own election of march 2013, President Uhuru Kenyatta with about 6.2 Million votes or 50.06% against Raila’s 5.3 Million votes or 43.3% ( A seven point gap) (830,000 Votes) a much bigger margin in terms of percentages than that of the American Elections! While there is no doubt that there are regions that will always vote one way or the other in an Election, as it happen everywhere in the world (Remember the Red states and the Blue states in the American election?) it does not therefore mean that a Nation has been deemed divided due to the outcome of an election. Otherwise we might only be left to ask the question: “Show us an election where one party to an election does not end up triumphant over the other?” It is the nature of all elections that there must be winners and losers in the contest and it shall always remain the case. However it cannot be acceptable, that despite the fact that the Jubilee coalition won the election and that His Excellency the president Uhuru Kenyatta was able to meet the 50 + 1 threshold as set out in our CONSTITUTION! that we should continue to be subjected to endless noises from the CORD Coalition led by Mr Raila Odinga claiming all manner of baseless rhetoric. His Excellency the President Uhuru Kenyatta and The Deputy President William Ruto have always taken every opportunity to remind all Citizens, of all Tribes, Religions or colour that they have every intention of serving us Kenyans equally, and that we must put the elections behind us and focus on building our great country. Sadly though, and long after the Jubilee government was sworn in, the election losers, CORD, have continued to inundate us with their unreasonable claims that the elections were stolen and that our Nation stands divided. The Cord coalition has continued to peddle their lies and propaganda to whoever cares to listen to them, especially their foreign god-fathers, in an attempt to dilute the legitimacy of the Jubilee Coalition Government. Wishful thinking in our view, but then all we can do is to sympathise with them for they shall continue to fail miserably. God bless Kenya Thaai .
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 07:45:36 +0000

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