We think by measuring the things we discover here on earth that we - TopicsExpress


We think by measuring the things we discover here on earth that we some how are above it. Truth is we only manipulate and reproduce synthetic versions of what has always been. The greatest scientist of all was God! Evolution and the big bang theory are only observations of God in action Many people who do not believe in God always use science and simplified religious stories to justify their position and believe by doing so they are above these simplified human perspectives. However, they themselves are to just victims of a inability to see beyond earthly conditions. They too apply everything to their own ability to understand. Its a lot like a ant attempting to put itself in a humans shoes and see thing from a human perspective... in other words its very hard. I believe science actually proves the existence of God and the more I discover the more I am able to realize that. What driving force was behind evolution answer that and I will ask what force was behind that and so forth and so on... the big bang theory is not the final and end answer just like to an atheist God isnt... So than it boils down to this.. would you rather believe in something bigger than you or attempt to play your own God? For those who play God just look around. Would it be to far fetched to say many fail miserably at this? Depression, anxiety, fear, pain all of these emotions have a low frequency/low energy and they also eventually (proven thru science) can cause disease or a weakened immune system. They can also lead to suicide, murder and many other painful scenarios. So if we say God is energy than would it be fair to say God is the energy of higher giving frequencies such as life and the energy you feel when you are enjoying life and are in alignment with hope, love and good health. So than if we agree on that than you could extend that idea even further and say life without God is no life at all!!! Also, energy from earth simply transforms(ex: water to ice or steam) so if we are energy than what happens to it when our body dies? What would happen if we carried a very low negative energy while alive or vice versa? *I research daily for these answers so i guess you could say this is the real Amber;)
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 18:07:05 +0000

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