We were all appalled at Chinas one child policy but the reality is - TopicsExpress


We were all appalled at Chinas one child policy but the reality is this is our population control. Our government is just shady about it so they can profit from it for a while before we die. They make you feel protected and free because you hear lots about regulations and things being generally safe they rule these foods to be considered equal because theres not a significant difference. That was ruled by the previous lawyer for the biggest bioengieneering company in our country who left them to work for the FDA, then went back to be their spokesman/lawyer again. No conflict of interest there or anything.. Other countries feel very differently, we are the most open to bioengineering our food. Im sorry but that GMO corn fed antibiotic reliant hormone grown chicken unaturally raised chicken is a frankenchicken and looks a hell of a lot different to me. All those extra hormones and antibiotics in the meat will effect your body. Over time the antibiotics build immunity to them and kill our good bacteria in our small intestine that we need to process essential nutrients. The natural bad bacteria that feed on sugar/carbs grow out of control and you get disgestive issues from diarrhea/constipation to Crons disease while the hormones alter you HPA axis which controls all of your hormone balances/fertility blood sugar and immune system..add that with GMO corn feed that is one, not what chickens eat and two, has unnatural DNA so their bodies really struggle to digest it. What they cant process gets wrapped in fat and deposited around organs and under the skin. Thats the yellow fat on the big chicken. If it cant process it what makes you think you can without a problem? All of that compromises their immune system and is the reason the animals are on antibiotics in the first place, so they dont get sick! It is a FRANKENCHICKEN! Organic chickens dont need antibiotics. Your body processes EVERYTHING and the bad doesnt always just go through you. Over time all that bad (free radicals included) get wrapped in fat and stored just like the chicken. Over time it taxes your organs and body and you get sick. Cancer, type II diabetes, Crons disease, IBS, hormone issues, heart disease, obesity. We pay to die in this country and it makes me so sad too many are too brainwashed and focused on our culture to see it. When you see guys walking around with a big gut but they arent...fat. The kind of belly you could poke but is rock hard. Or a fat belly with a little soft fat and a rock hard fat area underneath, that is their intestines under the muscle causing their belly to bloat out but be hard. Think about all their organs being coated like this chicken in fat storing toxins it couldnt keep processing because it either doesnt know how or it would harm them if released into their small/large intestines. With a weakened immune system and hormones out of wack is it any wonder cancer is everywhere now? Organic food isnt more expensive to produce, in a lot of cases it can be cheaper. Its more expensive because food has become a commercially dominated business and very few organic farms are large enough anymore to qualify for the government subsidies the big commercial farms get.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:01:22 +0000

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