We would like to thank everyone who has supported us following the - TopicsExpress


We would like to thank everyone who has supported us following the death of Tammy. Your many acts of kindness, sympathy, and stories of Tammy continue to be a great comfort to us in our time of sorrow. We are beyond blessed to have the magnitude of support from each of you! If you have not already, on behalf of Tammy, please take time to enjoy life, be happy, and surround yourself with those you love. If we all were just a little more like Tammy the world would be an even better place! We would like to say a special thank you to the following people: Family. Family was very important to Tammy. She loved spending time with you! You meant so much to her and we know how much she meant to you as a result of the support you have given us since her passing! Although she is no longer with us, we know you will keep her presence alive as she was such an integral piece of your lives. Thanks to those who celebrated her 27th birthday with us. We know she watched over us and had several laughs with/at us during the celebration. Thank you! Her friends. Tammy always said she had lots of friends, who she referenced as ‘her people’. We knew she was right as we couldn’t take her anywhere without her stopping to visit with people. Following her passing, we realized the amount of friends she had and the lives she touched is more than we could have ever imagined. Whether you sent a card, shared a memory of her, delivered food or whatever it was during our loss of Tammy, we extend our appreciation. Please know your friendship with Tammy is something she cherished greatly as each one of you made her light up every time she seen you. Thank you! Our friends. Our friends were also Tammy’s friends. She loved all of you! Words cannot express our appreciation for everything you have done for us over the last several weeks. Many of you treated Tammy like a child or sibling of your own. Perhaps she had your phone number and sent you random texts or called to say hi or gave you a high-five when you ran into her when you were out and about, she cared about all of you. Thanks for all you have done to help us through this difficult time. We realize it will never be the same; however, we know we will have lots of goods stories to share about her! Thank you! Her co-workers. Tammy’s passion was her job. She lit up with excitement every time she talked about McDonald’s. Each of you were part of the reason she loved coming to work. We greatly appreciate your compassion and kinds words during this time of loss. We were grateful you honored her during her birthday weekend with birthday cake and picture buttons. We know she was dancing up in Heaven as you celebrated! Thank you! Our co-workers. The variety of support we have received from you is amazing! Thank you Ann for being at our side every day during those difficult days! Nancy, we thank you for supplying the meal for our family at Tammy’s wake! We appreciate all of your hugs, visits, phone calls, food deliveries, and support. We know we can count on your support as we make the transition back to work. Thank you! Regional Medical Center. The timely and compassionate care Tammy received from the ambulance crew and Emergency Department during her last day of life was exceptional. Not only do we want to thank you for her care on October 7th, we would like to thank you for providing excellence in health care close to home throughout Tammy’s life. Due to her lifelong medical conditions, Tammy had frequent visits between Regional Family Health, Emergency Department, Lab and other departments. She knew many of you on a first name basis. You all meant so much to her and she considered you her friend. As one of her nurses said, “Tammy is the only patient who would smile and give a high five after you stick her for an IV.” Thank you! University of Iowa Hospital. Although you are located over an hour away from Manchester, we have developed relationships with many of you over the years that will never be forgotten. And we have reassurance you will never forget Tammy as we know there aren’t too many patients who sing ‘Ring of Fire’ with the hospital bed remote control as her microphone less than one hour before their 4th open heart surgery. Yes, we know that is just one of many stories. Whether you had to draw her blood, make an incision on her, tell her she wasn’t quite ready to go home when she thought she was, she never got mad at you. You all were her buddies. The care she received from you in her first year of life was as exceptional as it was on the last day of her life! Some of the extended family and friends who shared Tammy’s last hours of life at your hospital were nothing but amazed at the compassionate care you delivered to Tammy and all of us during those very difficult last hours. It was certainly recognized it takes special people to fulfill the role you serve and for that we thank you for your care towards Tammy and the many other patients you care for on a daily basis. You make a huge difference during difficult times! Thank you! West Delaware. The kind words and memories shared about Tammy by the West Delaware faculty, students, coaches, graduates, and fans have been positively overwhelming over the last several weeks. Thanks to those who organized the t-shirts in memory of Tammy and thank you to those who ordered a shirt! We are honored to know Tammy’s presence will continue on as we see these shirts worn around the community. We would again like to thank the Student Council for nominating Tammy as the 2014 Homecoming Grand Marshal. This once in a lifetime opportunity is appreciated more than you can imagine. Please know Tammy will always be the # 1 Hawk fan as she now has the best seat in the House! Thank you! Leonard Mueller Funeral Home. Thanks for all of the help in arranging Tammy’s funeral. You gave us excellent guidance with caring and efficiency that made the process much easier in such a difficult situation. Thank you for calmly listening with sympathy and giving caring advice along the way. You made every step much easier. Thank you! St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Thank you for the beautiful funeral mass! The message from Father Joe Schneider and music sung by Darrell Lendt was touching! We would also like to thank those who helped organize the funeral dinner. Your assistance with the meal and clean-up is appreciated. Thank you! KCRG (Channel 9). You did a tremendous job of sharing some of Tammy’s life milestones, which included her 3 point shot, Grand Marshal opportunity and lastly her passing. This coverage gave thousands of people the opportunity to get to know the neat person Tammy was! Not just anyone gets this type of media attention and we thank you for that. Thank you! Those we’ve never met. We always heard social media was a powerful tool and that proved true over the last several weeks as Tammy ‘blew up’ Facebook with pictures and memories. If she were with us today, her response to this would be “I know a lot of people. I have a lot of friends.” These stories were seen by so many people we’ve never met who feel like they know at least a little about her and what a special person she was. Although, we have never met, thank you for your prayers and messages! Thank you! Ben and Dee; Steven, Jenny and ‘little buddy’ Caleb; Brian and Ashley; Jordan and Kim; Casey, Tricia, Natalie and Hannah; and Jesse
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:55:31 +0000

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