Wedding Rings By the way, Ill have everyone, including the - TopicsExpress


Wedding Rings By the way, Ill have everyone, including the holiness people, against me before Im finished. Im in over my head, but I might as well go all the way and get it over with. Im not losing a dime, no one supports my kind of ministry anyway. I dont even lift offerings. I have had ONE person send me an offering in one year. lol. That is due also to the fact that I dont lift offerings and use the internet for gain. I argue, by ONE scripture, even though I can argue with more than one scripture, that women can not wear finger rings or jewelry of any kind. By the way, I am not radical, I am right. I seem radical because the church has followed after the world in all things. Notice, 1 tim. 2:9. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; Now, my argument is, who in their right mind has made wedding rings an exception? 99 percent of all wedding rings are made of gold. What devil created an exception for the wedding ring? If wearing finger rings is wrong, then wearing a wedding ring is not an acceptable exception. Someone said, that the wedding ring is a symbol of marriage. No, its a symbol of rebellion against I Tim. 2:9. Your wedding ring does not speak to marriage, it speaks of independence from truth. Your conduct, your defense of your marriage, your purity and holiness will speak louder for your marriage than a wedding ring. If a man flirts with you ladies, preach the Gospel to him. Dont show him a ring that is contrary to the gospel you preach. The Church of God opened the door to all manner of spiritual compromise when they voted to permit wedding rings. That opened the door to other types of jewelry and now the average COG pastors wife looks just as the women in the red light district look. If you wear a wedding ring ladies, then you might as well bedeck with all manner of jewelry. Wedding rings are NOT an acceptable exception to the condemnation of jewelry.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:39:01 +0000

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