Wednesday, July 16: Dane is such an amazing little guy. I am - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, July 16: Dane is such an amazing little guy. I am astounded by his toughness and his determination. After I posted last night, he was winding down and our precious friend, Julie was reading a book to him that earlier in the day had given him great frustration. Well, the little man read the book - really well. Julie would help him occasionally but he did almost all of it. He and his daddy had a bet that whoever worked the hardest today would get a foot rub from the other. Well, I am sure you can guess that Dane won and dad happily obliged in paying up. Dane did work really hard today. God was faithful to hear our prayers and Dane had a better day and we are so grateful! He was able to use his left arm more and really tries now without us asking him to do so. He has become very adaptive at using the right arm and doing it quickly so he doesnt have to use the left but he is really trying to engage the left. He did great new things today with cognitive function and you can really tell the brain is working to heal. We are hopeful that tomorrow is our last day to need the feeding tube!!!! He is doing soooo amazing with eating and I am so encouraged that he will not need it - very soon! He did try new things today like cheese crackers which he managed well. We also had cake for the first time since the accident. He was invited to a birthday party of a girl here in the hospital here. He did great - after all, it was cake! He worked in speech with categories and he did much better today than the day before. I am so happy! We walked outside today barefoot! Yes - my request - I wanted to see how it affected his gait and it did help. We also (with shoes) walked up the grassy hill again and side stepped up the hill. He rocked the whole thing! We learned how to get in a bathtub with a shower chair and even tried it on our own today! He is speaking more fluidly, smiling more often and is starting to try to be funny on his own. It is just awesome! His greatest thing today was that he had a visit from his GT teacher(more like family), his counselor, and Katie Claire and Madison Butler. They walked in the room and he saw those cowgirls and was all smiles! He had one more session of speech so Katie (studying to be a speech therapist) went with us. We worked hard and then we all went out front so Dane could rope. I was glad to have Katie and Madison there - I dont know how to recoil the rope! He roped for what seemed like forever and did amazingly well. A couple of his therapists came out and watched and My parents came - he had quite the entourage. He was in the best mood. I felt like the familiarity of Katie and Madison, his peer group (although they are both in college!) helped him tremendously. He did better, felt better, responded better. Just like when his brother, daddy, my parents and sisters, and our rodeo family are around. As he becomes more familiar with his therapists - which by the way are just wonderful - really really wonderful, he thrives with them. I cannot say enough good things about his PT Laura, is OT Jason, and his speech therapist, Kayla. they are truly doing what God called them to do. I am forever in their debt. So I think about what is my familiarity for now - the walls of the this hospital, the washing machine here, the too small shower, the squirrels out in front of the hospital, not seeing Pierce everyday, never getting my post done before midnight. But mostly it has become my ongoing constant conversation with God. I am becoming familiar with the small nudges of the Holy Spirit like I never have before. I am seeing what are divine appointments. I am familiar with how it feels to be in the shadow of His wings and I will tell you it is a comfortable place. I am grateful to the Lord for His mercy and grace towards me and that He has kindly taught me so much through this time. I have learned to sit in His presence. I do not ever want to lose that familiarity. I am grateful to be in the shadow of His wing. I pray each of you have that same familiarity - God is near and He is amazing. He is easy to be with and always an encouragement. He loves you and wants to spend time with you. So if you havent already, snuggle up next to Him, its safe, ad it is where you are supposed to just like Dane thrives when His surroundings are familiar - so should we thrive as we stay without familiar awesome God. Glory to God - Sundays coming......
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:44:36 +0000

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