Wednesday Nights This Fall 6:00 PM Hebrews - Family Theater Paul - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Nights This Fall 6:00 PM Hebrews - Family Theater Paul Smith The New Testament book of Hebrews was written for the diverse church made up of both Jewish and Gentile Christians who lived in Rome. The primary purpose of the letter to the Hebrews was to exhort Christians to persevere in the face of persecution. The central thought of the entire letter is the doctrine of the Person of Christ and his preeminence. *** 7:00 PM Judges, a textual study - Worship Center Tom Pruitt Judges is a tragic sequel to Joshua. In the old testament book of Joshua, the people were obedient to God in conquering the Land. We will learn in Judges that they continue in their disobedience, idolatrousness, and are defeated. The account in this book describes distinct cycles of Israel’s drifting away from the Lord starting even before Joshua’s death and leading to an eventual full departure into apostasy. *** Emotional Fitness From A Counselor’s Perspective (ladies’ class ) - Garden Room Dr. Betty Hamblen Dr. Hamblen from Florence, AL is a mental health counselor focusing on marriage and family issues with the Alpha Center. She stresses that emotional fitness is much like physical fitness: the more you exercise certain behaviors consistently, the more fit you become. This course will offer practical, step-bystep guides for improving emotional health. You will learn how to handle out-of-control anger, maintain appropriate “fences”, confront troubling issues, eliminate unhealthy pursuits, and cultivate important relationships, particularly the most important one of all - our relationship with God. *** Thriving as Women In God’s Story (ladies’ class) - Gym Jenna Lupo Too often we find ourselves caught in mediocre stories. Or, maybe we see these great stories being lived out around us; but we feel like we are mediocre characters. We shrink back and believe ourselves to be lesser characters, but God had beautiful stories in mind when we were created -- when you were created. Do you want to thrive in the story He is writing for you? No matter where you are in life, God has wonderful stories ready to be told through you. Join us in the journey to claiming these stories, this quarter in the Gym. Jenna Lupo, our teen girls minister, will be guiding us through this discussion. No matter what your age, no matter where you are in life, God has a story He wants to tell through you. *** Foundations of Christian Manhood (men’s class) - A204 Phillip Allen, Various Teachers Each teacher will offer a look into the foundations of being the man, father, husband, and leader we are called to be. Topics include Knowing God, Loving God, Finding Confidence in our Redemption, Transformation, Doubts and Struggles, and Servanthood. A schedule of lessons and teachers will be available the first week. *** How To Study Your Bible For All It’s Worth! - A104 Patrick McRight Does personal Bible study captivate your mind, nourish your soul, and constantly draw you closer to God? Or, does reading the Bible on your own leave you frustrated and stuck? Whether you’re a beginner or a sage, consider joining this class to gain strategies for enriching your study of The Word. Focusing on a different passage each week, this class will show you how to mine the riches of God’s Word using whatever tools you prefer: a reference Bible, a handful of inexpensive books, select iPad apps, or even Logos Bible Study Software! *** The Bible as Story - Family Theater Ryan Waldron As you know, the Bible is mainly stories. Would you like to know them better? This class is all stories, but for grown-ups. Not just the well-known stories, we’ll probably dig up some you’ve never heard before. After all, why should little kids have all the fun? We’ll learn a lot and have a good time in the process. *** Pure Religion - Living out the story through foster care and adoption - Office Conf. Room Danny Holcomb and Leah Norton James 1:27 instructs Christians to take care of orphans. What does it mean to take care of orphans in our world today? What does this look like for you? Come share in a discussion about the implications of this biblical principle in your community, Madison County, Alabama, the United States, and globally. Agape has been in Huntsville for 44 years. They have facilitated approximately 380 adoptions giving children a permanent and deserving home. In addition, they have placed more than 1,400 children in foster care. If you are considering adoption, foster care, or know someone who has opened their home to orphans, you will benefit from the experience and unique perspective of this dialogue class. Danny Holcomb serves as Agape’s Executive Director and Leah Norton is the Director of Social Services. *** Singing Class - Fellowship Hall David Sellers & Mike Maples A special time in the middle of our busy weeks to enjoy the ministry of song. We sing a balance of the old favorites as well as some newer songs. Men or boys will be given the opportunity to lead their favorite song(s). *** Divorce Recovery - Room M202 Byrl Farber The Fresh Start Divorce Recovery Book is used in this weekly support group designed to minister and encourage those touched by divorce. *** Children and Youth Classes available for all ages. Information available at the Information Desk. *** 4:00 - 8:00 PM - World Bible School - WBS World Missions Center M103 Phil Walker, Ray Carlisle, Russ Bershires, Glen Jamison, and the WBS team Visit us in our missions area located at Mission Central (east side). You can be a missionary in Zambia, Africa, and across the world from our base station right here in Huntsville.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:18:58 +0000

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