Wednesday November 12th, Evening Prayer Reminder!!! God Bless Each - TopicsExpress


Wednesday November 12th, Evening Prayer Reminder!!! God Bless Each And Everyone Of You, Prayer Warriors!!! Ask And Ye Shall Receive, So I Ask Him Daily To Bless And Watch Over Everyone!!! Our Sweet Little Ravens parents are trying to remain positive. Yesterday Little Ravens situation hadnt changed much. The Drs are still watching for about a 24hr period of her brain swelling being stable before moving forward. Theyve begun running some tests but the results arent real clear. Please continue to lift up Raven in your prayers and pray for the brain swelling to go down so the Drs will know what steps need to be taken. Pray for comfort, peace, strength and rest for her parents and family members!!! Please continue to pray for Our Sweet Bobby!!! Bobby is still very sick!!! We know Our God can work Miracles and Bobby needs prayers for a miracle!!! Please continue to pray for his sister( Our Prayer Warrior )Mary Beth Toxey Marshall and all the family members. Pray for God to give comfort and peace to their hearts and rest for their tired bodies!!! Megan was headed to the pediatrician this morning with Our Precious Little Brinley. She had a runny nose, chest congestion and a fever. I had no update at the time of posting!!! Please pray for Our Little Brinley that they can knock this out before it gets worse and pray for God to protect her from the winter sicknes ses that we all deal with!!! Our Little Baby Matthew was taken to the Dr this morning. He was dusky and lethargic but they figure its from his meds. They feel hes getting to much of his Sotalol so they are decreasing his dose. Their sat probe at home was not reading correctly. He doing fine now. Thank You Jesus!!! Please continue to lift up your prayers for Baby Matthew and pray his meds cause him no more complications!!! Our Little Jacksons mommy received a call from the hospital where they went to get Jacksons RSV/ FLU test done yesterday and they did the swab incorrectly.(She said you have to swab once on each side). Now they have to go back and do it again. She said this also causes them to wait another day to find out if he has either one!!! Please pray they can get it right and that they receive the results soon and that the results will show he doesnt have either one!!! Our Precious Little Alexis was having a really rough day. Mommy said she would update after they left the Drs office. I had no update at the time of posting!!! Please lift up your prayers for Alexis and pray all went well for her at the Drs office and that she will be feeling better real!!! Our Little Baby Jack is off the ventilator!!! Thank You Jesus!!! They made it all night on high flow. He was originally put on 8L and 50%. Once they started working they turned him up to 8L and 60%. His sats were great all night!!! Please continue to pray that he will do well and there will be no setbacks and that he will keep his strength up!!! Our Sweet Shannon posted that her daughter Tiffany is settled in and that she is in the step down unit from ICU. She was waiting for IV and was in great spirits. Her blood sugar was 91 and at 3 it was 95. They will recheck it every 4 hrs. Please pray for God to shower His Blessings of Healing upon Tiffany and pray for Strength, Rest and Comfort for Shannon and the family!!! Our Little Precious Charlies second heart surgery date is going to be on December 5th!!! Please start praying for a successful surgery for Our Precious Charlie and pray for her Drs, caregivers and her parents and family members!!! Our Sweet Michael Jay was being discharged. They were unable to find out where the infection was coming from. Please pray for God to provide another path for Michael so this infection can be detected and cleared up!!! Continue praying for his family members as well!!! Our sweet Spencer had a pretty good day. In speech he drank some water from a cup. OT he bounced a basketball and threw it. Recreational therapy he was watching the viedo to Play it Again by Luke Bryan and he started singing the song using his voice, not just mouthing the words. Mom said it was a beautiful moment!!! Please continue to lift up those prayers for Spencer and pray he will continue to recover with no setbacks!!! Praiseing God Report!!! Our Little Precious Avery Sue is home from the hospital!!! Thank You Sweet Jesus For Your Answered Prayers!!!!!! Theres still Babies/ Children that I had updates on but as you can see Im running late. The ones that the parents posted on are on Our Daily Prayer List So Please continue to lift these Precious Little Ones Up In Your Prayers!!! Pray For Everyone Else We Pray for!!! Please Pray at 8 and 9pm central if you will!!! Thank You All!!!♡ Im Praying, Thanking God For His Blessings And Always Believing In Miracles!!!♡
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:46:48 +0000

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