Week 4 Accomplished - Weekly email (10/1/14) Hello!! I hope you - TopicsExpress


Week 4 Accomplished - Weekly email (10/1/14) Hello!! I hope you all have had a fantastic week, my week here has been great but busy. Also General Conference is this Saturday and Sunday! Super excited I hope you all have a chance to watch it and spread the gospel. I only have 13 days left in the MTC before I go to Colorado! I am super excited. I get my flight plans this Friday so there is much I need to do. This week was full of service both of my companions are sick so I have had the opportunity to take care of them but I am praying I dont get sick. But I have been able to serve them which is great. We only have two more lessons with our TRC Investigator Rosie which I am super sad because she is great and I will miss her dearly and her little daughter. It makes me more excited for the people I will be teaching in Colorado and I know I will come to love each one of them like Heavenly Father does. The spirit has been helping me be more like Christ and have a deeper love for people. I have been learning how to teach better and not be so timid to share my story with my investigators, because it really does help people. As I have been preparing for General Conference I have been more excited and have felt the spirit strongly as questions come into my mind. This week I really learned that Heavenly Father truly does look out for his missionaries and he makes miracles happen. On the 27 my companion was really sick so we went to the Health Center but the Health Center was closed only urgent care was open. So I was prompted that we should still go to urgent care even though it wasnt urgent so we went in and the lady at the desk was super helpful and called a shuttle for us to pick us up. Shuttle come and it takes us to the pharmacy so we can get medicine. We then go into Walgreens and this nice older gentlemen comes up to us and said Sisters is there anything you need me and my companion were a bit surprised because we stopped to look at Halloween Candy so we smiled and said no thank you its fine and which he replied No its okay sisters if you need anything I can buy it for you it is no problem we thanked him again and he left. But it was super sweet just the thought that someone is looking out for us. We picked up the medicine and we got back to our campus it was raining super hard but these nice elders gave us their umbrella because we were not prepared for a rainy day and they walked us back to our apartment. It was an amazing experience for me and I saw Gods Love for his missionaries and his children. The spirit has been helping me and my companions become closer and closer my branch president says we are very lucky because we dont have any problems like a regular trio will run into. I have been blessed with two amazing companions and I am happy I have the opportunity to learn from them. OOOOOH I almost forget I received an assignment in my branch I am the new Branch Music Coordinator!! I get to pick the music and organize the music too which I am super excited for. I cant believe it has already been a week. I am excited for what this week will bring, and see more of the hand of God in my life. I hope all you have a wonderful week, and have the opportunity to watch General conference. It will be exciting to hear a prophet of God speak to us. I hope you will look for opportunities to serve other people. One of my favorite conference quotes from last year was Observe, then serve Thank you for all the letters and emails I receive I always look forward to reading them! I hope I will continue to receive them, because I love hearing from all of you! I am grateful for all the examples you have shown me and I pray for you daily! Love, Hermana Aguayo
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 06:25:50 +0000

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