Welcome Spring 2015 students! Heres the syllabus: Art 11 Art - TopicsExpress


Welcome Spring 2015 students! Heres the syllabus: Art 11 Art History, Writing Intensive, Spring 2015 Bronx Community College Professor Blanchard Email: [email protected], or [email protected] ART HISTORY This course is the high-speed basic history of Western Art. We will be covering 30,000 years of art history in one semester, all of it from prehistoric cave paintings to modern art, so fasten your seat belts. You will get a small taste of the rich history of art, and you should come out of this class with some idea of how form and meaning work together in all kinds of imagery. This class is not only about history and what went before, it’s about learning to look, and to see thoughtfully, and about how to articulate what you see and think. The textbook for this class will is A History of Western Art by Laurie Schneider Adams. All of the reading assignments are from that book. Ancient Art Prehistoric Art Egypt Greece Rome Medieval Art Early Christian Byzantine Islamic Medieval Europe/ Romanesque Gothic Early Modern Art Proto-Renaissance Renaissance High Renaissance Reformation Baroque Rococo Modern Art Neo-Classicism and Romanticism Realism and Photography Impressionism and Post Impressionism 20th Century Art and Architecture Course Requirements --The Midterm and Final will be 15 images to identify plus a single essay question. The Final will NOT be comprehensive. --There will be a term paper, 5 to 7 pages long double-spaced. I will give you a variety of topics to choose from. There will be assignments for researching the term paper; a bibliography and a draft introduction or abstract stating the progress and aims of your research. I will provide more detailed instructions later. --There will be a Museum Paper. You will be required to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and choose two works of art to analyze and compare. Further instructions will be provided separately. --You will be quizzed on the material covered in class every other week. Each quiz will consist of 5 images. I will ask 3 questions per image, usually the name of the work of art, the artist if known, and a multiple choice question. I will NOT expect you to know dates. The outline for each day’s class, including vocabulary, will be posted online (see below under “Computer Stuff”). At the Midterm and then again at the Final grade, I will drop your lowest quiz grade. --Final Grades will be determined by quiz grades, term paper grade, and attendance. Quiz average + Museum Paper + Term Paper research assignments average + Midterm Exam + Term Paper + Final Exam = Grade Attendance and Participation will also be counted (and could make the difference between a B- and a B). Late assignments will be penalized a full letter grade off. Grade Criteria A : A work is exceptional. It is above and beyond what is required and expected. All the requirements are fulfilled and more so. A work shows insight, initiative, and an interest in exploring and questioning the material presented in the course. B : A B is for work that is completed and meets all the requirements. The assignments are well done and well presented. Work is handed in on time. Attendance and class participation are regular and reliable. C & D: C and D work meets the bare minimum requirements for the course. Attendance and class participation are barely adequate. Assignments meet only the most basic requirements. Failure: Failure is for not handing in required assignments and skipping class, for cutting corners, for cheating, for trying to pass off a sloppy high school book report as a college level paper. Failure is for spending class time talking on a cell phone or playing games. Failure is for using this class time to catch up on your sleep. W Withdrawal is for official withdrawals from the class before the deadline. This grade will not affect your grade point average, but you will have to repeat the class if you want credit. I Incomplete is for emergencies and contingencies that cause you to miss assignments or the final exam. In such cases, contact me and we can figure out a schedule for completing work for the grade. I require a written contract for Incompletes stating the date on which all unfinished work is to be completed. Incompletes become Fs if the work is not finished within the terms of the contract. WU Unofficial Withdrawal is when you quit coming to class and miss the final exam without contacting me. The WU is a failing grade and will affect your grade point average. However, WU grades can be appealed to the Committee on Academic Standing and changed to a Withdrawal that will not affect your GPA if you withdraw because of unavoidable circumstances. You will still need to take the class again to earn the credit. Necessary Computer Stuff My email addresses are: [email protected] or [email protected] NOTE: For turning in assignments or if you really need to contact me, send your emails to BOTH addresses above. Assignments, as well as terms and images from each day’s class, will be posted on Blackboard. You can access Blackboard through the CUNY Portal by using your BCC email ID and password. I keep a Facebook page for this class that duplicates everything I post on Blackboard. Some people find Facebook more accessible. Just look for Prof. Blanchard’s Art 11 Class at BCC on Facebook. I keep a separate blog site for images and terms that I require you to know. I will post links to this blog on Blackboard and on the Facebook page. The blog site can be found here: profblanchardclass.blogspot/ My Policies If you show up and do the work in this class, then you will pass. You may not make an A or a B, but you will pass. Please be on time to class. I realize that most of you have jobs and family responsibilities, but please make an effort to be on time to class. Try to be no more than 10 minutes late to class. Your spectacular entrance 15 to 20 minutes late will only disrupt class and win you no favor with me or other students. If you miss a quiz or a class assignment because you are late, then that’s just too bad. Cell phones OFF! Aren’t cell phones wonderful? A ringing cell phone tells the world how popular and important you are. A ringing cell phone in the middle of my class tells everyone trying to listen and participate how rude and selfish you are. Cell phones should be turned off -- not set on vibrate, OFF. If you talk on the phone in the middle of class, then I will assume that you have something more important to attend to and I will ask you to leave for the day. Also, someone trying to listen to the class might reach out and touch you. Hang up the damn phone! *If you must keep in contact with children or other family, please let me know, and I will make an exception. Emergencies. In a world of uncertainties, things do happen. If you miss class, and especially if you miss a deadline or an exam because of an emergency, you must bring me a doctor’s notice, or some other authorized notice. I will not consider a make-up exam or a deadline extension without that notice. Make-ups on quizzes, and extensions on deadlines must be cleared with me IN ADVANCE. Attendance is required. The cops will not bang on your door if you skip class. But if you expect to pass, then you will attend class. We have a lot to cover in this class, and you can’t afford to miss any of it. You are responsible for the day’s material whether you are present or present only in spirit. I count attendance as part of your final grade. No Extra Credit. If you didn’t do any of the work through the semester, then don’t expect me to rescue you at the last minute. If you didn’t care enough to do the work, then why should I care? Honesty. Cheaters never prosper…nor should they. I would rather you turn in nothing than hand me something fraudulent. If you cheat, I will fail your assignment and report you to the dean. One last thing… This is an art history class with lectures and slides. The room gets dark and I start droning on about whatever. Some of you will be tempted to nod off and go to sleep. If you decide to sleep in my class, then go ahead. I will only wake you if your snoring and night terrors disrupt the class. I will not wake you for the end of the class. You can explain yourself to Security in the morning. Awake or not, you will be responsible for the material covered that day. DON’T LOSE THIS SYLLABUS
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:04:16 +0000

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