Welcome everyone to Wednesdays Daily Wisdom Pick. Today we are - TopicsExpress


Welcome everyone to Wednesdays Daily Wisdom Pick. Today we are using The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid. Two cards presented together firstly the Forgiveness card and secondly the Owl card (inverted) which symbolizes wisdom and deception.. both sides of each other - light and dark, ying and yang. This is about forgiving those around us/in our lives who have disappointed us in some way ...either through a lack of integrity, being deceitful or masking their true intentions. Remember we are all doing the best we can and life and it would be boring if we were all the same! However it doesnt make it ok for others to be less than truthful with us and we do not have to accept it into our lives, its a personal choice. Many of you are starting to see (or have noticed for some time) the truth behind many of your communications, relationships and interactions. Personally as an intuitive, over the last few years the veil has lifted very clearly for me and I have been shown on numerous occasions people who are not coming from a place of integrity whether to themselves or to another. Many of you have even sensed this from childhood and have a truth detector!! There is no judgement here just honesty. The clarity of truth is so strong now to show you the best path so you can align with your highest good and clear away that which no longer serves you. We can no longer carry those around us in a back pack who do not want the best for us.. how heavy is it carrying around that backpack? We can pray for others, hold the positive intention for them to find their own path for themselves and release them to their own journey. We release ourselves from the attachment of the story of that energy and we are no longer held! Owl energy exposes any deceit now, remember its your ally so please do not be worried about this … Embrace it and be thankful your path is clearing for you in a powerful, direct way. By holding back from the truth we hold ourselves in our own prison. Today be honest with yourself, look at what no longer works and decide to fix it and start the process now. Decide to transform what no longer works by either releasing it to a higher power, to make way for a more exciting, interesting solution.. one you may have never expected or even thought of! Deep wisdom into human nature is gained through the ability to recognize untruths.. Very powerful, transformative week this week guys enjoy, am wishing the best for you! AG XXXX
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:10:00 +0000

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