Welcome fellow Kaiju fans to the final Gamera film review with the - TopicsExpress


Welcome fellow Kaiju fans to the final Gamera film review with the Millenium Gamera film Since Godzilla had returned at this point but Toho stopped making Godzilla flms After Godzilla Final Wars but Gamera got his Millenium with Gamera the Brave. Directed by Ryuta Tasaki Written by Yukari Tatsui Music by Yoko Ueno. This is the first produced by Kadokawa Pictures after they purchased a percentage of the remaining assets of Daiei Motion Picture Company, the original company responsible for the Gamera films. I got this film as a birthday Present. Story:in 1973 several Gyaos birds attack a village Gamera then appears to battle them and defeats one of them but then Gamera falls to the small swarm of Gyaos who then proceed to eat Gamera but then Gamera self-destructed to destroy the Gyaos swarm Precipitated by the premise the tale picks up thirty three years later, when the son of one of the survivors of that incident finds an unusual egg, from which a baby turtle hatches. The boy, Toru, raises the creature, quickly realizing it as remarkable in that it hovers and breathes fire. The creature quickly outgrows the house, is relocated by Toru and his friends to maintain secrecy, and then disappears. Concurrently, many shipping disasters occur in the area, the cause of which is the kaiju Zedus which soon thereafter rampages through the city. It corners Toru and his friends, but the boys former pet, now significantly larger, intercedes. The young Gamera is wounded in the fight and captured by government officials, who hook the creature up to a machine which infuses it with liquid derived from mysterious red stones found in the vicinity of egg, and which scientists theorize gives Gameras their power. Zedus attacks again, and the Gamera, now larger, goes out to battle him. The human characters determine that the still-immature Gamera must consume the red stone which Toru had found with the egg in order to fully realize its powers. The egg is located and, with some difficulty, delivered to Toru, who throws it into the Gameras mouth during the battle. The Gameras power of rocket-propelled flight manifests, and it defeats Zedus by breathing a fireball at it. The kaiju escapes further government with Torus assistance, and flies off as the boy wishes him farewell. This Gamera film is a good film it feels like Son of Godzilla but much better I have a copy of it but I don’t think it has a rating the credit ending Music is really good in my opinion. This film makes itself know that Gamera is the hero while Zedus is the monster villain. For the Monsters I would talk about all 4 monsters but the older Gamera and Gyaos is seen only briefly but I do like Gyaos design but for now let’s focus on Gamera’s son Toto and Zedus. Zedus reminds me of Barugon because its tongue extends and retracts but Zedus tongue can pierce an enemy but it doesn’t have any special abilities. Toto is similar to both the Showa Gamera and the Heisei Gamera but it doesn’t fly until near the ending of the movie until eats the red stone. It does breath Fire but it’s like the Heisei Gamera fireballs but afterword Toto doesn’t fight or use his fire breath again till after it eats the red stone and use its fire breath again during the end of the movie. The Roar is different but it’s not very good compared to the last film. This film gets an 8/10 This film does lack in some moments but it’s a good film none the less. So That ends the month of Gamera film reviews who knows after the new Godzilla Film we may get a reboot of this series which we may get but Im wondering if the Gamera will be like the Heisei Gamera films. we can only hope.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:10:33 +0000

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