Welcome to Day 34 (of 66) of the Appreciation Challenge: Take a - TopicsExpress


Welcome to Day 34 (of 66) of the Appreciation Challenge: Take a moment to celebrate moving into the second half of the challenge. I imagine youre noticing the ebbs and flows of consciously taking on a new habit. Imagine the ease of including appreciation every day and the increased love and availability youll experience throughout your interactions--thats what were up to. Today youre invited to appreciate the messenger, specifically, to appreciate all your internal messengers who assist in choices and orienting you toward a thriving relationship with you. Here are mine for today (Katie): • I appreciate the top part of my tummy for signaling me when Im just starting to get full. • I appreciate my inner finder that I can drop into to easily locate things. • I appreciate my dreams, which bring me so many messages about what to giving loving attention to and explore. • I appreciate my nose, which always lets me know when somethings up. • I appreciate my peripheral vision, which reliably picks up the beginnings of something emerging. Please feel free to post and/or to share with a friend. New to the appreciation challenge? This series of invitations is intended to create a new habit (takes average of 66 days) of appreciating starting with you (often the last to get attention, admit it). Were using the 5/1 ratio of appreciations to criticisms that was established by John Gottmans work (thriving relationships have at LEAST a 5/1 ratio of appreciations to criticisms, even the subtle nonverbal ones). You can find earlier posts and challenges by looking down this page.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 14:53:56 +0000

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