Welcome to the Official Web Site of the Kick Them All Out - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the Official Web Site of the Kick Them All Out Project and the FIRE CONGRESS CAMPAIGN If you want America to survive, please tell everyone you know to become a member of the Kick Them All Out Project and help promote our plan to KICK THEM ALL OUT! end government corruption by kicking out all corporate special interest lobbying and career politicians * * * * * * * * * * * * PUTTING IT ALL INTO PERSPECTIVE Before the results of the last election were final we saw Republicans celebrating exactly like the Democrats celebrated when they won control of Congress and the Messiah was enthroned at the White House. Conservatives are acting the same way, as if some huge change has occurred and the Republican are now going to save us! Seriously,when has either party ever saved us?! The Republicans are just as responsible as the Democrats for the nightmares we find ourselves in. Truth is, there wasnt much more turnover of incumbents than usual, which is typically about 15%. It appears that most of the turnover occurred because about 40 people decided to retire. This means that 85% of the incumbents that ran again, the same people that have betrayed our trust so many times we cant count, are sill in office! We threw away another golden opportunity to hold them ALL accountable. WE wasted another chance to FIRE THEM ALL! Far too many of us bought into the left/right paradigm again and failed to see we cannot afford to keep playing their game. When we do, we lose. Its as certain as trying to beat the odds in Vegas. The House ALWAYS comes out on top when you play their games . We have to become as ruthless with Congress critters as they are with us. We have to look at the election process with complete dispassion if we want to actually throw the bums out. We have to look at elections as a purely utilitarian act necessary to hold members of Congress accountable in the only way that we can, by removing them from office. At this point, it makes no difference who replaces an incumbent. None. What would make a difference is if incumbents were replaced en mass! If we did this just once, the whole game would change in ways we cant even imagine. It would shake up the status quo like nothing else could. In the next election the powers-that-be will do their best to fixate everyones attention on the totally controlled presidential race. Most everyone will ignore the heart of the problem, the Congress and become caught up in the presidential circus. The powers-that-be will once again con everyone into believing the most important issue is who the El Presidente is. They do this to drive everyone who still clings to a political identity into their respective camps. The powers-that-be know most people who vote still have strong political identities. Emphasizing the importance of these identities ensures that most of the vote will be split down the middle making most races fairly close, thus easy as pie to rig if necessary. All election results have to be is believable. Friends, its a CON. The whole game is a con aimed at convincing you that political ideology has some real meaning in politics. It doesnt. Its a charade that hides the fact that no matter which party appears to be in power, there is an underlying continuity of agenda that moves forward regardless of which party seems to be in control. Overall, both parties endorse and push big government and do nothing to rid government of banking and corporate control. Things have gone so far that there is no longer any meaningful distinction between government and big business. Criminal global banking cartels and their to-big-bail corporations have seized the coercive power of government and are using it to impose their will on us all. The simple truth is, if Congress was doing its job, the Congress could set everything right. Its not about El Presidente. Its about Congress. The Congress has more power than the executive branch. Sure the President can sign or veto bills but the important point to remember is it all starts with Congress. REMEMBER . . . Even if the president vetoes a bill, the Congress can override the veto. We have to realize that the Congress encourages fixation on the President so they can pass the buck, blame what they are doing on the Executive branch. Fact is, Presidents have no Constitutional authority to do most of the things they claim they can do. They can only ask the Congress to do what they want. The Congress could have stopped everything thats happening; the wars, the Wall Street takeover, the TRILLION DOLLAR defense budget they just passed. Our so-called representatives have sold us out so many times it makes my head spin and what do we all do? We not only let them keep their jobs but we also allow them to give themselves a raise for the fine job of screwing us. Last time round they gave themselves a $4,500 raise. When was the last time you got a raise like that? The way weve been holding our representatives accountable is to let them keep their $174,000 a year jobs so they can stick it to us for another two years! In case youre wondering, thats $14,500 a month! Listen. If we are ever going to get a grip on our government, were going to have to start acting like the employers that we are. The Congress critters work for US, not the central bankers and transnational corportions. What would you do If you owned a company and none of your employees listened to you, they lied to you, didnt do the jobs you gave them to do, and in fact, were actually working for your competition and selling your company down the river as fast as they could? I dont think youd keep them on and give them a raise! Well, thats exactly what weve been doing, only in this case, your company is our Federal Government, and your employees are the 435 members in the House of Representatives and the 100 members of the Senate, virtually all of them working for the criminal global banking cartels and their transnational corporations (the competition). These entities, that have absolutely no allegance to our country, have achieved a hostile takeover of our government on every level and are using the powers of our own government to have their way with us. What the heck happened to that thing called the wisdom of the American people? You dont reward employees that betray you. YOU FIRE THEM! Its the most obvious and immediate remedy. You dont worry that their replacement may turn out to be as bad. In fact, its much less likely the replacements will be as bad when they know you will not tolerate such things, that you will not hesitate to fire anyone that lies and betrays your trust. Employees are far more likely to toe the line and actually do their jobs as best they can when they know they cant get away with anything less. Of course, no analogy is perfect. This one breaks down in the sense that a company couldnt actually fire everyone all at once unless the entire company shut down. Lucky for us, our Congress isnt engaged in actually producing goods or services (the bureaucracies that Congress has set up handle all government services). All Congress does is enact laws and authorize spending. Its just the legislative branch of government. We could easily go without any new laws authored by corporate/special interest for quite some time. So in this case, firing a large number of traitorous Congressional employees is imminently doable and quite frankly is the only thing we can do to slam the brakes on the corporate driven freight train that is railroading all of us into a nation ruled by corporate colonialism. There are people we have elected to Congress who have been there 10, 20, 30, 40, even over 50 years! Our Congress has been betraying our trust and selling us out for generations. They not only suffer no consequences for what theyve done; theyve benefited greatly from their wheeling and dealing. They take an oath to protect our best interests and defend our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and yet they make a mockery of that oath. Republicans and Democrats take the exact same oath of office and very few of them take it seriously. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. There are several very good reasons we make them all take this oath. The primary reason is to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that the job were hiring them to do is to make sure nothing unconstitutional happens. I read a quote the other day attributed to Senator John Glenn in which he said somthing to the effect, If we had to apply the Constitution to all the legislation that passes before us, we wouldnt be able to pass anything. This is the whole point of the Constitution. If followed, it limits the ability of the Federal government to tax, regulate and control our lives. THIS is the job were hiring representatives to do for us. Were not hiring them to crank out endless streams of legislation - most of which only benefits selfish private interests. Also, strict adherence to the Constitution is the ONLY thing that makes it a LOT harder for those with the most wealth to seize the powers of government and use it for their own selfish purposes. Our Congress has totally abdicated their responsibilities and handed the powers of government over to corporate interests that have absolutely no allegiance to this nation, to the Constitution, and certainly not to playing fair. Both major political parties are complicit. They have shredded the Constitution and Bill of Rights and are about to blow the Constitutional Confetti into the air as they celebrate closing the deal with their real employers, the transnational corporate interests that have orchestrated the whole mess. The dominant ideologies of the most destructive and powerful transnational corporations are predatory and tyrannical in nature. The notion that they are even remotely interested in such things as free trade, or democracy flies in the face of basic common sense. The corporations wreaking the most havoc on this planet, the central banks, the military, medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and energy industrial complexes, have set up monopolies and cartels by using the powers of government to legislate and regulate the industries they wish to control. The people inclined to abuse their wealth and power do what they always have done throughout history. They TAKE the most, give the least, and dont give a damn about the rest of humanity. There is a mountain of evidence, a small fraction of it is posted on this web site, to prove that powerful transnational corporations, through their control of our election process, the legislative powers of government, the courts, the international treaty process, the worlds currencies and of course, virtually total control of our mainstream media, have just about totally taken over our country. If we dont take control of Congress away from them, and fast, by a massive act of civil disobedience like this project is proposing (by not voting the way they want us to), we are simply not going to survive as a nation much longer the way things are going. What sense does it make to allow the vast majority of people in Congress to remain there for one second longer than absolutely necessary? There is an endless stream of people pissing and moaning about how Congress is screwing us up one side and down the other and yet nobody will do a damn thing to MAKE SURE they all get voted out of office. If we dont make a point of doing just that, most all of them will get reelected yet again and they will most certainly give themselves another raise for the fine job of screwing us theyve been doing. Then they will wrap up the task of destroying this country for the International Bankers, the people they really work for. We pay their salaries and the Bankers reap all the rewards. Its INSANE to allow any of the people to remain in Congress! So heres the bottom line. If youre one of those people that is screaming and yelling and complaining about what the Congress is doing to us all, and you are not helping to make sure the people doing it are removed from office, then whats the point of all the complaining? At the very least, dont you think holding them accountable should mean the people WE KNOW ARE BETRAYING US lose their seat in Congress? If most people continue to vote the way they usually do, in a way that allows most incumbents to be reelected, how are we holding any of them accountable for anything? We need your help to convince enough voters to vote differently, to deliberately vote for an incumbents strongest competitor in order to make sure the incumbent will be voted out of office. We need you to help us convince enough voters to Vote for America in the upcoming election, not a political party. We can totally hijack the upcoming election and use the power of our votes to effect sweeping change NOW! Please see our FAQ Section for answers to all the questions and doubts you may be experiencing right now. * * * * * * * * * * * Start by doing whats necessary, then do whats possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. - Francis of Assisi We must start fixing the mess were all in by first doing whats necessary. Our employees need to KNOW we will fire them when they betray our trust. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead You can get a printable copy of this summary here. * * * * * * * * * * * info@kickthemallout . Project Summary In A Nutshell This is the briefest explanation possible of what this project is all about and what it aims to accomplish. The Simple Two Step Plan This is exactly what we have to do in order to SERIOUSLY turn things around. Exactly How This Project Will Work A complete explanation of how we can take back our government in the upcoming election. Full Project Summary A complete explanation of the Kick Them All Out Project Objectives Download Nutshell Project Summary Download Simple Two Step Plan Download Full Project Summary Power Hour Interview AUDIO: 40 minutes with Bruce McDonald Interview on What Really Happened Radio with Mike Rivero AUDIO: 32 minutes with Rick Lux and Bruce McDonald If you would like to have one of our founding members speak to your group or appear for an interview Click Here. A few comments by supporters of this project. Be a courageous American and inspire others to take a stand by signing the Pledge to refuse to vote for incumbents in the next eletion! These videos by us and our supporters and are being produced to help spread the word about this most powerful action we all can take to put an end to special interest control of our government Please spread far and wide! If you have a video, please send the link to us and well post it. Complete List Here VIDEO: This is the documentary that inspired the Kick Them All Out Project. This information is so unbelievably disturbing that Ill be amazed if you don’t feel inspired to get off your rear and help us do something to stop these global control freaks. Get Your Copy of The Santa Clara Blues The startling history of how corporations subverted the Constitution and opened the door to the takeover of our government and practically everything else as well. WHY SUPPORT THIS PROJECT? Quite simply, if you dont support it, it wont happen. We are up against the most wealthy people on the planet and we need all the obvious things to fight them. PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION Click Here For Our Site Banners To Help Promote This Project Please slap some of these banners on your site to help promote this project. the faster we get people aware of this radically simple plan the better. Download a FREE COPY of our famous Uncle Sam Poster to help us take back our government in the upcoming election. Click on the poster icon to the left to download a PDF copy you can print out and plaster everywhere! OPERATION PINK SLIP Street Action and Mail In Campaign. Heres a way for everyone to let members of Congress know exactly what we feel and think about the betrayal of our trust and what we intend to do about it! NEW - Campaign Business Cards Download your FREE COPY of our new business cards to help spread the word about the Kick Them All Out Project and the Fire Congress Campaign. This two sided card can be easily printed out on Avery 8871 Business card stock. This is an ad one of our supporters produced for us recently. 20 second and 30 Second Ads ARTICLE: There are more non-voters than voters. If you all you non-voters would download this form and register to vote, and show up at the polls to VOTE ALL THE INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE we could pull this off!! Your Federal Representatives A complete list of Federal Government incumbents so you know who NOT to vote for! Your State Representatives A complete list of State Government incumbents so you know who NOT to vote for! Amazingly Candid Interview With Former Senator Fritz Hollings by Bill Moyers VIDEO: FINALLY, we hear the truth about what all our so-called representatives are doing and its not what weve hired them to do for sure. The Precinct Project - The Strategy We Need To Follow In Order To Take Back Control of Our Elections. VIDEO/AUDIO: Jim Condit presents a simple and powerful strategy we need to follow in order establish fair and honest elections and get rid of the party leadership that has totally corrupted the election process. Wrestling is Fake - So is Politics VIDEO: Weve all heard it said many, many times but this video presents it with a lively dialog and great photos. Its a FACT that the drama of politics is no more real than professional wresting. Is Your Allegiance To This Country or To A Political Party? ARTICLE: Our country is almost torn apart because people make it about which political party has more power. WE ALL LOSE because of it. Entire Election Topic section here. Only an alert and well-informed population is capable of ensuring our liberties and freedoms are preserved. This section contains videos covering a wide range of topics and perspectives you wont find in the main stream media. This library will provide you with a well rounded education in record time! Complete Video Library Index Here • The Globalizatoin of War • Christian Zionism - The Tragedy and the Turning • The Zionism Story • Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve • Brilliant anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta • Oil As Fossil Fuel Falsely Defined In 1892 • Into Eternity - Nuclear Waste • The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Debt Ceiling Truth) • Cancer - The Forbidden Cures • The IPCC Exposed • Money IS NOT SAFE In Big Banks • FRONTLINE - The Untouchables • The Face of Americas Hungry • Obama Birth Certificate Discovery: Barack Ineligible • Generals Son Exposes Israeli Lies • Geoengineering - The Most Important Topic of Our Time • Interview With A Gunfighter • Bill Moyers - The Secret Government • Silent Forest - Danger of GMO Trees • I Am Fishead • Why In The World Are They Spraying • 1948: How The State of Israel Really Came Into Being • UN Depopulation Plans • Occupation 101 • GM Crops: Farmer to Farmer • 7/7 Bombing - RIPPLE EFFECT • Inside Job • The College Conspiracy • Gas Land • Disaster at Chernobyl • What In The World Are They Spraying? • Owning the Weather • The Secret of OZ • The Largest Street Gang In America - The Cops! • Big Brother, Big Picture - THE most comprehensive presentation on globalization • Lindsey Williams Energy Non-Crisis • Best Climate Change Discussion Ever • Confessions of an Economic Hit Man . For The First Time Ever, More Than Half The Members Of Congress Are Millionaires ARTICLE: Wealthy members of Congress are living the high life at taxpayer expense, while most of the rest of the country continues to suffer through one of the worst economic periods in our lifetimes. According to an analysis conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics earlier this year, more than half of the members of Congress are millionaires. The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 Minutes VIDEO: Great short video that explains the Federal Reserve Bank. The Confidential End Game Memo At The Heart of the Global Financial Crisis ARTICLE: When a little birdie dropped the End Game memo through my window, its content was so explosive, so sick and plain evil, I just couldnt believe it. The Memo confirmed every conspiracy freaks fantasy: that in the late 1990s, the top US Treasury officials secretly conspired with a small cabal of banker big-shots to rip apart financial regulation across the planet. THE BIGGEST SCAM IN HISTORY - HOW BANKING REALLY WORKS. VIDEO: Most people can feel deep down that something isnt quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck…every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today. The powers that be DO NOT want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for the last 100 yeaRS. The True Form of the American Government - Republic vs. Democracy vs. Oligarchy VIDEO: Our system of government was never intended to be a democracy. Although many believe that we live in one, they have never been asked to vote on the decisions made by said government. Yet they believe that they are empowered just the same. We are not. During The Best Period Of Economic Growth In U.S. History There Was No Income Tax And No Fed ARTICLE: The truth is that the best period of economic growth in U.S. history occurred during a time when there was no income tax and no Federal Reserve. Between the Civil War and 1913, the U.S. economy experienced absolutely explosive growth. How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function and Pose a Very Real Human Threat To Humans VIDEO: The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, explains how studies in cell research have demonstrated the mechanism by which micro RNA from genetically engineered foods may alter organ function in humans. Mind Blowing Speech By Robert Welch in 1958 - Predicting Plans to Destroy America VIDEO: Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted todays problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Pauls positions today. Let Your Life Be A Friction To Stop The Machine! VIDEO: This is a beautifully written video that perfectly sums up a critical history of the Untied States, were we are because of it and what we must do about it NOW! Jews In Iran VIDEO: Iranian Jews are among the most ancient Iranians. Irans Jews love their Iranian identity and their culture, so threats and this immature political enticement will not achieve their aim of wiping out the identity of Iranian Jews. Government - THE Largest Special Interest Group! VIDEO: We all know special interest lobbying is a huge problem in our government. This video presents some enlightening information about the fact that the influence of special interests reach far beyond lobbying. Debt Limit - A Guide To American Federal Debt Made Easy VIDEO: A satirical short film taking a look at the national debt and how it applies to just one family. The County Sheriff Project - Our Last Line of Defense Against An Out Of Control Federal Government ARTICLE/VIDEO: The answer is your county sheriff. Ultimately, he is the one who will decide what is and what is not enforced in your county. He has the authority and is oath bound duty to interpose himself on your behalf to protect you from all enemies both foreign and domestic. He is the peoples protector. THE TIME TO FIRE CONGRESS IS UPON US!! Disapproval of Congress Hits All Time High of 84% ARTICLE: Poll after poll has found that Americans are extremely disillusioned with the federal government, regardless of their political affiliation, after the president signed an agreement over the federal debt ceiling and budget deficit. REQUIRED READING: You Cant Bank On The Bankers - Three Part Series On Our Monetary System ARTICLE: The banking system we are forced to use is absolutely corrupt from top to bottom. This system provides a handful of the worst kind of people the single largest unfair advantage against everyone else ever devised. It also provides the single most powerful means to enslave humanity. Visualization of U.S. Debt ARTICLE: Millions. Billions. Trillions! This article shows you exactly what kind of money our out-of-control government and out-of-control bankers are using to advance their sick agendas, while we are expected to foot the bill. The Declaration of Independence VIDEO: This is a scene from the HBO mini-series John Adams that depicts the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, where our founding fathers voted for revolution rather than continued tyranny from England. Send This Book To Your County Sheriff! ARTICLE: The sheriff absolutely has the power and responsiblity to defend his citizens against all enemies, including those from our own Federal Government. You need to make sure your Sheriff knows what his authority and duty is! Exactly How The Bankers Control The World VIDEO: This short documentary reveals the MASSIVE FRAUD and EXTORTION of the worlds banking elite and their criminal banking system. Shocking First Hand Account of Peak Oil Fraud by the Powerful World Bankers and Transnational Oil Industry VIDEO: This presentation by Lindsey Williams, a Chaplain for the transalaska oil pipeline project reveals what he witnessed during his time there. WAR IS A RACKET by Brigadier General Smedley Butler. FULL TEXT : Want to know the truth about the Iraq war, and every war for that matter? Here it is from one of the most decorated Marines in history. The Best 10 Minute Presentation on the Reality of Climate Change Ever! VIDEO: Professor Bob Carter talks to Nzone Tonights Allan Lee about the realities of Climate Change and global warming. 1948: How The State of Israel Really Came Into Being VIDEO: If you want to truly understand the Israel/Palestinian conflict you must understand the truth about the creation of the State of Israel. This eye opening presentation provides the truth about the situation. How Zionism Infiltrated The US VIDEO: Interview with Scholar and Journalist, Mark Bruzonsky Mark Bruzonsky, a Jewish-American Scholar and Journalist, has been a key member behind the scenes of the Israeli Palestinian peace initiative in the 1980s, meeting with Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and with Palestinian officials. Congressmen Routinely Violate Their Duty To Uphold The Constitution ARTICLE: If we want to effect change in how our government works, WE have to demand Congress STOP DOING THINGS THAT ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL! We Pay Member of Congress $174,000 To Primarily Be In Recess! VIDEO: The amusing Uncle Jay describes exactly how much work our DO NOTHING Congress actually does for the enormous amount of money they get paid, almost $14,500 a month! Rewarding Crooks and the Incompetent - We MUST REMOVE INCUMBENTS! ARTICLE: There can be change no change with the same incumbents. You see, these craven crooks in Congress dont give a tinkers damn what you and I want. Revisit 9-11: Top 4 Unanswered Questions VIDEO: If you havent revisited the events of 9-11, this short 14 minute video will show it to you again from entirely new perspectives. Youll clearly see the official story we were told just doesnt make sense. 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! VIDEO: Was 9/11 really an Inside Job? After reviewing this documentary, and checking the evidence, I think the answer will be clear to you. Ralph Naders Message To America About 9-11 and the National Security State VIDEO: Ralph Nader and a panel of experts who saw much of the fallout from September 11 up close held a panel in northwest DC to talk about how the government responded to the tragedies—and how that response continues to undermine crucial democratic institutions. Major General Albert Stubblebine Talks About 9-11 VIDEO: Major General Albert Stubblebine talks, in no uncertain terms about the Pentagon attack and 9-11. The General makes it clear that the official story about what happened on 9-11 is pure fabrication. Psychologists Help 9/11 Truth Deniers VIDEO: Psychologists help out the conspiracy theorists that wont let go of the official conspiracy theory. Nano Thermite Found In World Trade Tower Dust ARTICLE: There is now uncontrovertible proof that the dust from the Twin Towers and Building Seven of the World Trade Center contains small intact samples of Thermite. TRILLIONS Missing From Pentagon Before 9-11! VIDEO: Did you know the day before 9-11 our beloved Donald Rumsfeld announced our new enemy was the Pentagon Bureaucracy!? 2.3 TRILLION had gone missing! Unraveling the Myth of Al-Qaeda - Invented and Run by the CIA ARTICLE: This is the entire history of Al-Qaeda and the reality that our CIA was behind the whole thing. Dont Think Mind Control Is Real? VIDEO: These shocking videos expose how subliminal advertising/mind control techniques work and how easily we can be controlled. All Stories Organized by Date & Topic Just pick a month of the year and search all topics and stories via a convenient drop-down menu. Here Comes The Ramming (Omnibus Spending Bill) ARTICLE: The U.S. House is set to pass a $1.1 trillion spending bill that includes a banking provision opposed by many Democrats as a giveaway to large institutions. Brits Debate The Process of Money Creation VIDEOS: Giving banks the power to create new money is the root of everything that is wrong with our economic system; it is responsible for the massive wealth disparity and it is responsible for the relentlessly declining value of peoples hard labor. Geoengineering, A Clear And Present Danger VIDEO: Though there are countless forms of damage to Earth from human activities, climate engineering is mathematically the greatest single source, it is the epitome of human insanity. Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California VIDEO: The western US is under an all out climate engineering assault, California most of all. The Weather Makers can shut the hydrological cycle off from the once golden state for as long as they wish. Unprecedented Global March Against Chemtrails And Geoengineering ARTICLE: Unprecedented Global March Against Chemtrails And Geoengineering: September 27, 2014 COMING TO A CITY NEAR YOU Global Protests And Educational Events Listing Obamacare = A Death Panel For The U.S. Economy ARTICLE: Did you know that some Americans are being hit with health insurance rate increases of more than 500 percent? Taking advantage of the stupidity of the American voter, the Democrats succeeded in ramming through one of the worst pieces of legislation that has ever come before Congress. The full implementation of Obamacare has been repeatedly delayed, but now we are finally starting to see the true horror of this terrible law. Brits Debate The Process of Money Creation ARTICLE/VIDEO: Giving banks the power to create new money is the root of everything that is wrong with our economic system; it is responsible for the massive wealth disparity and it is responsible for the relentlessly declining value of peoples hard labor. The Federal Reserve Cartel: A Financial Parasite ARTICLE: Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, US debt (mostly owed to the Eight Families) has skyrocketed from $1 billion to nearly $14 trillion today. This far surpasses the total of all Third World country debt combined, debt which is mostly owed to these same Eight Families, who own most all the worlds central banks. Second Video Emerges of Obamacare Architect Calling Americans Stupid ARTICLE/VIDEO: Despite telling MSNBC that his comments were off the cuff, a second video has emerged of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber saying the law was passed because Americans were too stupid to understand it. The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chases Worst Nightmare ARTICLE: Meet the woman JPMorgan Chase paid one of the largest fines in American history to keep from talking. She tried to stay quiet, she really did. But after eight years of keeping a heavy secret, the day came when Alayne Fleischmann couldnt take it anymore. The Shackles Return: Why Debtors Prisons Are Making An American Comeback ARTICLE: The debtors prison is an old, decrepit institution that many thought was abolished in the 19th century, something little more than a relic of the past. This is a problematic view for two reasons. One, debtors prisons are rarely explored in the classroom or the larger society. And two, these prisons are making a serious comeback in the United States, which is deeply problematic for the poor and working class. The Story Changes: Ebola Is Now Aerostable And Can Remain On Surfaces For 50 Days ARTICLE: When it comes to Ebola, the story that the government is telling us just keeps on changing. At first, government officials were claiming that it was very difficult to spread the Ebola virus. Some of them were even comparing it to HIV. We were given the impression that we had to have direct contact with someone elses body fluids in order to have any chance of catching the virus. But of course that is not true at all. Law Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required ARTICLE: Using a law designed to catch drug traffickers, racketeers and terrorists by tracking their cash, the government has gone after run-of-the-mill business owners and wage earners without so much as an allegation that they have committed serious crimes. The government can take the money without ever filing a criminal complaint, and the owners are left to prove they are innocent. Many give up. Dissolving Illusions and The Dangers of Vaccinations ARTICLE/VIDEOE: Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true? Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Doctors Nationwide Slam CDC Handling of Ebola ARTICLE: Infectious Disease Experts, Safety Experts, Doctors and Nurses All Say the CDC Has Been Messing Up the Ebola Response Healthcare experts throughout the U.S. are strongly criticizing the Centers for Disease Control for its handling of Ebola. The Globalization of War VIDEO: The world is at a dangerous crossroads. The United States and its allies have launched a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity. Thai Authorities To Promote Martial Law Tourism ARTICLE: Rather than highlight its countrys beautiful natural landscapes or its innumerable architecturally aesthetic structures, the government of Thailand is relying on its brutal law enforcement methods to entice travelers to visit the region. What Does anti-Semitic Really Mean? ARTICLE: Today, the term has morphed to become a pejorative slur that is used to deflect and prevent any any criticism of Jews. However, the term is so misleading that is worse than useless. They Have Been Lying To You About How Easily Ebola Spreads ARTICLE: The misinformation that the U.S. government continues to put out is absolutely staggering. We are being led to believe that you basically have to slather yourself in someones body fluids in order to catch Ebola from them. Cold fusion Reactor Verified By Third-Party Researchers ARTICLE: Andrea Rossis E-Cat — the device that purports to use cold fusion to generate massive amounts of cheap, green energy – has been verified by third-party researchers, according to a new 54-page report. The researchers observed a small E-Cat over 32 days, where it produced net energy of 1.5 megawatt-hours, or far more than can be obtained from any known chemical sources in the small reactor volume. Whistleblower Dr Udo Ulfkotte VIDEO: Leading German Journalist Admits CIA Bribed Him and Other Leaders of the Western Press Warmongers Are Anti-American ARTICLE: In great empires the people who live in the capital, and in the provinces remote from the scene of action, feel, many of them, scarce any inconveniency from the war; but enjoy, at their ease, the amusement of reading in the newspapers the exploits of their own fleets and armies. Carmen Segarra, the Whistleblower of Wall Street ARTICLE: One Federal Reserve employees refusal to play along with a rigged financial game has made her a true modern dissident An Unbearable and Choking Hell: The Loss of Our Freedoms in the Wake of 9/11 ARTICLE: What began with the passage of the USA Patriot Act in October 2001 has snowballed into the eradication of every vital safeguard against government overreach, corruption and abuse. Since then, we have been terrorized, traumatized, and tricked into a semi-permanent state of compliance. This Is The Way One Father Told His Pediatrician No To Vaccine ARTICLE: What does an informed parent look like? Well show you. This is a letter written by Bob OKane, a concerned parent, to his pediatrician about vaccines and the danger they pose to his child. This letter is one great example of how to approach your doctor, especially if you have looked into the matter further and are uncomfortable with their stance on the topic. Congressman Calls For Release Of Secret 9/11 Documents ARTICLE/VIDEO: Must Watch Video – Congressman Thomas Massie Calls for Release of Secret 9/11 Documents Upon Reading Them Pulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter: Americans Bounced Back Faster After the Great DEPRESSION than the Great RECESSION ARTICLE: Coming out of the Great Depression eight decades ago, the vast majority fared vastly better than most people have coming out of the Great Recession, which officially ended on June 30 six years ago. Labors Demise Is Americas Demise ARTICLE: Whether one has a favorable or unfavorable opinion of unions, their demise is also the demise of countervailing power. A system in which there is no countervailing power is a tyranny in which power is unconstrained and unaccountable. The American people have been subdued and turned into a flock of sheep. Will they ever rise again? ISIS: Region-wide Genocide Portended in 2007 Now Fully Realized ARTICLE: American journalist James Wright Foley was allegedly brutally murdered on video by terrorists of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS). The development would at first appear to portray a terrorist organization openly declaring itself an enemy of the West; but, in reality, it is the latest attempt by the West itself to cover up the true genesis of the current region-wide catastrophe of its own creation now unfolding in the Middle East. The New Ulster: The Nature and Purpose of The State of Israel ARTICLE: By enacting its own reign of terror against Palestinians, controlling and directing fanatical Muslim extremist groups throughout the Middle East, conning Western Christians into supporting military action in the Middle East under the guise of protecting Israel against its hostile enemies, and, all the while, doing so under the cover of a Jewish state, Israel stands as the greatest destabilizing force in the entire Middle East. NAFTA Is 20 Years Old – Here Are 20 Facts That Show How It Is Destroying The Economy ARTICLE:Back in the early 1990s, the North American Free Trade Agreement was one of the hottest political issues in the country. When he was running for president in 1992, Bill Clinton promised that NAFTA would result in an increase in the number of high quality jobs for Americans that it would reduce illegal immigration. Ross Perot warned that just the opposite would happen. The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Stop the TPP and Other Rigged Trade Agreements u ARTICLE: The TPP and TAFTA represent a new era of deception and back-room dealing to pass laws that have nothing to do with trade, but that hand even greater power to multinational corporations to profit from everything no matter the consequences for the health of people and the planet. Washington Threatens The World ARTICLE: The consequence of Washingtons reckless and irresponsible political and military interventions in Iraq, Libya, and Syria has been to unleash evil. The various sects that lived in peace under the rule of Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, and Assad are butchering one another, and a new group, ISIS, is in the process of creating a new state out of parts of Iraq and Syria. CIAs History of Dividing the Arab World ARTICLE: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which also calls itself the Islamist State and is led by former Abu Ghraib prison detainee Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, released from U.S. detention in 2004, would not be in existence had the CIA abandoned its policy of creating Islamic extremist groups to sow dissension in the Middle East. Citigroup: The Original Gangsta ARTICLE: Barack Obamas Justice Department on Monday announced that Citigroup would pay $7 billion in fines, a move that will avoid a humiliating trial dealing with the seamy financial products the bank had marketed to an unsuspecting public, causing vast damage to the economy. FAIR USE NOTICE PLEASE SUPPORT THE KTAO PROJECT WITH A PURCHASE Please Make A One Time Donation You can send a check or money order to: The KTAO Project P.O. Box 1086 Crestone, CO 81131 or donate online: Or Better Yet Become A Supporting Member Operation Pink Slip! PLEASE SUPPORT THE KTAO PROJECT WITH A PURCHASE Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Radio Show More Info Here. Listen To Past Shows Here. Essential Reading Declaration of Independence The Constitution The Bill of Rights Citizens Jury Handbook Worthy of Support Kickem Store Caps, Bumper Stickers and More Debt Is Destroying Us National Debt Clock Most people dont know the Federal Reserve is controlled by the largest private banks. They are using their control of the Fed to destroy the dollar, our economy and wipe out the middle class so they can replace it with a system and currency they have even MORE control of. If we dont shut down the bankers, the Federal Reserve, this nation is history! The Congress can REPEAL THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT and return control over our currency to We The People. We have to take back control of Congress and DEMAND THIS HAPPEN in the upcoming election! 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Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 06:51:43 +0000

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