Well........ A couple thoughts on this USA series as it - TopicsExpress


Well........ A couple thoughts on this USA series as it closes Griffin had his sights on this title since the first day of practice last November. Griffin has been as driven as a 8 year old could possibly be. He has wrestled 102 matches all over the country these last 5 months. He has wrestled multiple national and state champions, he has wrestled kids that were as much as 4 years older and over 13 pounds bigger. Through all of this he has won an astounding 86 of those matches with 62 by pin, 6 by tech fall (15 or more) and 8 by major (7 or more points). The most impressive thing about this stretch is that Griff did not miss a single practice (3 days a week) through any of it. He has in many cases found open mats in the area on off days to get in even more work. We wrestled for three days in Oklahoma a couple months ago we got home at 12:30 am, woke up at 5:30 am and drove to AAU districts where Griff wrestled for his team to earn points for them. He was dead tired vs older kids and wrestled up 2 weight classes through all that Griff never complained once. He went in and fraught his way onto the podium going 6-2 that day. Griff loves his team, his competitors, and this sport. This weekend didnt quite go as planned. Griff took a loss to a kid in the semi finals that he had not had trouble with before. That knocked him into the consolation side. He lost 2-0 on a questionable call in overtime and took it as hard as Ive ever seen him take a loss before. I am extremely proud of Griffin coming back today going 2-0 and working back to third place and again not allowing a point scored on him. It is very difficult for these young kids to get over disappointment quickly, and even tougher to perform after it, but Griff did it like a champion today. Griffin will learn from this and will become an even better wrestler because of it. Its hard for him to understand this now but nothing fuels your hunger like a heartbreaking loss. Griffin has already asked me what his offseason schedule will be and he told me he has a lot if work to do. He is looking forward to the opportunity to wrestle the kid again and I know Griff will put in as much work as needed to ensure different results. I am absolutely in love with this kid and cant wait to watch him kick it back in gear and out work as he has done so diligently over the last couple years. Griffin is more than my Son. He is my best friend and my hero. Amazing season buddy!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:21:54 +0000

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