Well, Bill Nye has come out with a blast against me that has been - TopicsExpress


Well, Bill Nye has come out with a blast against me that has been published on a number of secular websites, and reported on by the Christian Post—stating “I held strongly to the view that it was an opportunity to expose the well-intending Ken Ham and the support he receives from his followers as being bad for Kentucky, bad for science education, bad for the U.S., and thereby bad for humankind-I do not feel Im exaggerating when I express it this strongly.” Actually, as Bill Nye rejects God, and believes life developed by natural processes (an atheistic worldview), how he can decide what is ‘bad’ or ‘good?’ By what authority can he decide this? Bill is borrowing from the Christian worldview to use such a word as ‘bad.’ And once again, as I did at the debate, I challenge Bill Nye to answer this question: “Can you name one piece of technology that could only have been developed starting with a belief in molecules-to-man evolution?” He can’t—and he knows it! Bill Nye’s latest article, that was first published by the Skeptical Inquirer, is full of misinformation and contains many demeaning statements about me and AiG. My blog later this morning will link to AiG’s lead article for today where I respond to a number of the outlandish statements made in Nye’s latest sad tirade against me and AiG. I will also correct his supposed account of the events leading up to the recent debate. Bill Nye still doesn’t understand the word ‘Science’ and be able to correctly distinguish between his beliefs (his adherence to molecules to man evolution and naturalism), and experimental or observational science that enables us to build technology. Bill Nye wants his anti-God religion of naturalism imposed on generations of students—now that’s what’s BAD for humankind! Sadly, Bill Nye wants generations of kids to be told they are just animals that arose by natural processes—thus ultimately, life is without meaning or purpose. You can read the Christian Post’s report on this latest article by Nye. And I urge you to come back later this morning to read my detailed response. m.global.christianpost/news/bill-nye-says-he-wanted-to-expose-why-ken-ham-and-creationists-are-bad-for-humankind-during-debate--118006/
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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