Well.... Dont I just have the sweetest husband, EVER (said NOBODY - TopicsExpress


Well.... Dont I just have the sweetest husband, EVER (said NOBODY in THIS house)?!!! (Thats Sarcasm for you slow folks). Kaitlyn came and got into our bed, earlier in the night, bc shes been coughing every other breath so I made her stay in there with us so I could keep a close eye on her... Well, long story, short (well, itll probably still be long. Who am I kidding), Kaitlyn wakes up bc Buddy, the bulldog, is beside her, (on top of the bed spread and she couldnt move him, etc) SO, sweet Jason, turns his back to me as he is trying to move this 80 plus lb dog, off the bed and in the scuffle of it all, HE (sweet Jason) knocked me off of the bed, ON MY BACK!!! Now, what you probably havent picked up in my oh so subtle tone of this status, is Im a teeny tiny bit angry about this and its NOT that he accidentally knocked me on my buttocks, BUT, my poor, sweet Kaitlyn, is very concerned (as I still lay on the floor) and she is apologizing to me and asking if Im ok... Well, of COURSE, Im trying to be the best Mom I could be and hide the sound of my tears in my voice and say Yes, sweetie. Im fine. Its not your fault. It isnt anybodys fault (All the while, thinking, LIE! Big fat LIE) Im fine baby girl! Dont worry about Momma. Kaitlyn- did you hurt your bulging discs in your back or your bad shoulder? Me-No sweet girl. Thank you for asking but I really am fine. My inside, hurt Momma voice- YES IM HURT!!! OH MY WORD!!! I THINK YOUR FATHER HAS BROKEN THE ENTIRE LOWER HALF OF MY BODY!!! So, as I crawl to the door and pull my queen-size country girl, INJURED buttocks, off the floor (btw, tears STREAMING down my face . as if Id just won the Miss America pageant (and yes! To all you smart alecks, Im fully aware it would be Mrs. America and YES, Im, again, fully aware that Id never win) ... I mean, it was the full-on ugly cry---thank God, the lights were out and I AM a WOMAN and am a professional at talking totally normal through gallons of tears) bc that is just ONE of my many talents as a woman, wife and mother.... Now!!! Ive said ALL of this to get to the REAL reason Im a wee bit perturbed... AFTER, I managed to get to an upright, standing position and make it OUT of, what I am NOW, fairly confident, was some form of purgatory (Im just teasing about that yall.... Just joking) but it is NOW 5:33am and ALL of this took place at 3:48am and Jason Jones has YET to come out here, into our living room, to even make sure I am, oh I dont know, STILL LIVING!!! This poor man... You would think that after 36 years of knowing ME and THEN, being married, for almost 22 years, to ALL the MES that I CAN be, that he would have learned, by now....smh.... This man may not MAKE it into this living room...being its for the LIVING and all.... Pray for him... Dont even waste your prayers on me, to heal.... Use them ALL ON #1 for him to get some intelligence... I mean, the last ingenious thing this man has done, was marry me... Bless it!! And #2 and most importantly, pray he lives to even read this status (that way hell know why Im even mad at him in the first place...lol (All joking aside) Thank you Lord, for giving me a family that loves laughing together and playing together and more importantly, praying together. We could have fun in a pile of dirt (actually tried that once but the cats kept trying to cover Jason up🚽🐱💩). But seriously, I love you all, SO VERY MUCH!!! And Thank you God, for showing my heart how beautiful Jasons was... Thank you, also, for our 4 awesome kids!!! We all fuss. We all fight. We make up, only to do it all over again but we do it ALL together.... Because in the end, togetherness is ALL we have and its ALL that matters and its whats most important to me because alone we have nothing but together we have it all.... We have many flaws and imperfections but its all of those imperfections that make us perfect for each other!!!! #JonesFamilyRocksAlways
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:36:01 +0000

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