Well, Facebook is a great place to start rumors, isnt it? (Did I - TopicsExpress


Well, Facebook is a great place to start rumors, isnt it? (Did I get your attention?) I thought it was time for me to put this here so I can get the official word to so many of our friends who have journeyed with us through Rogers health adventures. I find myself texting people and have forgotten who I told what to, so if you didnt even know this, forgive me. I dont want to leave anyone out of the loop....God knows we need all the prayer warriors we can get. Last week Roger had some memory issues. It was just so odd. Tuesday he had an issue with some blown out tires, and he was a little confused where he had been. We called our primary care doctor and she said we should go to the ER. After tests, they noticed something on the MRI. We saw a neurologist Friday, and he was reluctant to take on the case since Roger had so many other issues. He called the transplant coordinator, and she recommended that we get the Barnes neurologists involved. So we spent a good chunk of time last night in the ER. He is in a room now. What we know: 1. Preliminary results show no infection; however, we will know for sure later. 2. They may want to do an EEG to check for seizures. 3. His kidney function isnt just perfect so they will want to hydrate him. Then they can do a contrasting dye MRI. 4. Whatever is in his brain is not so specific that it could be removed. I guess maybe its not a tumor, but of course Im not up on this terminology....I only know liver and kidney stuff! 5. Scott and I could be neurologists. Or at least we could do the routine in-depth screenings. What day is it Who is the president Where are you right now Lift both your hands Turn them over Close your eyes Shrug your shoulders Follow my finger with your eyes. Touch your nose with this finger. Touch my finger Say the months of the year backwards .....you get the idea I was extremely anxious four or five days ago because I didnt know what was going on. You know how your mind races to the worst case scenarios and then you get all stressed? Yup. That was/is me. Now that we know there is some sort of issue that can be quantitized, I am relieved. Dont get me wrong. I dont want Roger to have any serious brain issues, but I am so glad that it wasnt my worst fear! So to all my FB friends out there, lift us up before the throne so that we can find grace in in our time of need. Love you all.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:38:30 +0000

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