Well, I have done my best with dear little Joey, but I fear it has - TopicsExpress


Well, I have done my best with dear little Joey, but I fear it has not helped him. Last night when I went to give him his second 12-hourly shot at midnight he was not good. A few times now hes found a quiet and hidden spot to go, it makes me feel hes finding a place to die - as Ive seen dogs do before. However, I keep reminding myself that he was worse than this before I started his serious treatment, making little cries each time he expelled his breath. Joey was heavily caked with dried and wet green mucus from his nose when I arrived this morning, he was hiding on the other side of the rubbish pit against the wall, almost lying his head on poo, where Ive found him a few times now. He has very runny diarrhoea, his eyes arent too mucky, but theyre half closed much of the time due to pain and lethargy. He is a little weak but I cant get him to eat. I went to 8 places today to try to find the fish he likes and finally got it at the last stop on the way back to temple, where Id been earlier in the day, I just went on the off chance. It made no difference though, I bought him fish balls (which he loves), grilled fish, smoked fish (kind of, some Thai style that he loves), bbq pork kebabs and Pla Saba fish, but he wouldnt take anything. The best I could get was a lick. The Yakult I bought for the dogs on the Interferon (that ALL of them fight over) was not anything I could tempt him with either. I have been syringing ground Vitamin C tablets and the special Thai herb mixture down his throat (did it at midnight and again today several times), but its not helping as much as it has previously. The problem with him not eating is that it is almost impossible to get all the vitamins and tablets into him that he needs. I feel as though he has given up, which breaks my heart, he hasnt had one pain free moment in his life yet. I gave him the third of the 3 injections of the special treatment from Russia at midday, but it didnt make any difference. Since yesterday evening til this evening he has really gone downhill. In desperation I gave him another shot of Interferon at 6pm this evening. I know its either going to be too much for his body with the other medication or it could make a difference. The way I see it, hes going to die if I dont do it, so I may as well try. Please pray he will be okay tomorrow. Actually I wanted to ask Ajaan to pray over him today, but when he was around, I was too busy and when I went looking for him, I couldnt find him. Ajaan prays on my wounds and even this reasonably deep dog bite on my arm should have been treated with Amoxicillin for a week, I didnt bother, because I knew it would be ok. I dont need to put all that rubbish into my system when I have natural healing available to me. I have had amazing heading several times in my life now, by monks in Thailand, some you would struggle to believe. One of Ladys little bubs, the white one with the black ear was coughing this morning. I went back a little later to give more food and his eyes were weeping. I decided to take him into the hospital with Joey and cool his body, give him some of the Thai herbs (including Vit C, Doxycycline and Anti-mucolytic. I gave him the tiniest portions, so as to not overwhelm his body. This normally feisty, hungry baby was not interested in food at all today. He snuggled up to a very lethargic Joey and I left them together for a few hours before returning him to his mother for some milk, if he would take it. Lady, his mother is doing very well, eyes and nose are clear, no coughing. So, no visible signs of the disease, but I still have all of them, despite the lack of symptoms or minimal symptoms on treatment. I am determined to beat this. My dear friends Dennis, Joyce and Joyces darling mother came to visit on their way to brunch. As usual, they were amazing, Dennis had a broom in his hand, sweeping the concrete while Joyce helped me with the medical stuff. They have been amazingly supportive, I love and appreciate them very much. I am blessed to have them as friends. I ran out of food that I could tempt those not really keen on eating, plus ran out of canned food, so had to go and do a shop this afternoon. My amazing, beautiful angel Laura looked after everything. When I FINALLY got back, everything was cleaned, dinner cooked and she was looking after each individual that needed it. Laura, it will kill me when you leave, I really dont know how I can cope without you. My most intense and loving gratitude to you for your commitment, your efficiency, your amazingness and will to work, to work without taking a break, to work things out for yourself instead of me having to look after you and the love you have for our pack. So, in summary, no deaths today, but two on death watch. Our 6 new arrivals are settling in. All vaccinated and dewormed on arrival. Tomorrow I will take the boy with the broken leg for treatment and all I can do is hope, pray, wish, ache for Joey to get through this.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:28:08 +0000

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