Well, I have some of the best news I have had since Cameron was - TopicsExpress


Well, I have some of the best news I have had since Cameron was born. He has been in temporary custody of my parents for over two years, and was in state custody ( with my parents being temporary guardians) the first 7 weeks after he was born. Fortunately, since my parents were involved, he has stayed with us since he left the hospital after he was born. I moved home with my parents to get my life together at that time. So, I got to stay with him throughout this whole two year process. What a blessing. Its been a long ride and a lot of hard work that has been so totally worth it all. Since Cameron had his own attorney, she decided, over time, what was best for him. My family and friends got to be supervisors for the first five months after he was born since I couldnt be unsupervised. By doing the right things and working hard, so many people have helped us and gave me support. Since I stayed sober and proved that I was a good mom, Cams attorney said that I was what was fit for him, and that I could have legal custody. This woman was and still is amazing. She truly knew what was best for my baby when I didnt. I had to learn to trust her and she has played a very big role in my recovery. We are still very close to this day. She made her decision when he was 9 months old, but it has taken up until now to have all the other lawyers involved sign off and get everything resolved. I had, and still have to remind myself constantly that God loves my children more than I could ever imagine, and He is the ultimate judge. I have learned the true meaning of Gods Grace and the power of prayer through this journey. SO, AFTER TWO YEARS AND THREE MONTHS I NOW HAVE LEGAL CUSTODY OF THE ANGEL THAT SAVED MY LIFE, AND HE BRINGS ME TRUE JOY EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am so happy! Even though most of you didnt know my legal consequences for my actions, my friends and followers on here have given me so much support over these two years without even knowing it. Thank you all for supporting me and loving Cameron. Mom, dad, Melissa Dawkins Sims, Will Sims, and Brandie Correro, I couldnt have done this without you. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:55:44 +0000

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