Well, I just heard the news. Little Bear has passed away. Every - TopicsExpress


Well, I just heard the news. Little Bear has passed away. Every day I walk into my room and see your little pictures on my wall, and I knew you were happy where you were. You really defeated the odds for a long time, buddy. Little Bear had diabetes - fairly bad diabetes. We wanted to do everything we could for him because he was part of our family, but doing so just was not possible due to lack of funds. Honestly, at the time, we thought we didnt have a choice... we would have to put you down. By some miracle, or whatever you want to call it, my neighbour heard about it, heard about the situation we were in and the tough decision we were about to make. We told her about his diabetes and how we lacked the funds to provide him with the medication he needed to stay alive. Apparently she talked to her daughter and her daughter said not to do anything, that she wanted him. She would pay for everything. Little Bear was never a good car rider, but he had a little friend now (who wasnt so little) to go on trips with. It turned out that he loved car rides when it was with this friend of his, the Boxer. Its funny to think of how he was in the car, to how he turned out when he was with this other dog. He did really well at his new home; the Boxer showed him how to ring a bell when he wanted to go outside, and to do other cute little things. Our neighbours daughter really cherished him, and that was so important to us - he was given a second chance at life with someone who really loved him instead of having to lose his life because we couldnt afford the medication. The insulin did cause him to lose his hair, but it came back and it was all curls, just like it used to be when his hair was fully grown out. Usually wed shave him so that hed stay cool in the summer, but he was just as handsome with his long pom fur. He had cataracts and other problems, but this woman loved the heck out of this dog - he was her baby, just as he was ours. It breaks my heart to know that hes passed away, but I know that he was happy, and that he had a wonderful home and a wonderful family up until his very last breath. Rest in Peace, Little Bear. We all love you so, so much.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 23:45:38 +0000

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