Well I sat down and had my first conversation about the Bible with - TopicsExpress


Well I sat down and had my first conversation about the Bible with my son.. We started With Noahs Ark since I still do not know how I am going to explain cosmology to a four year old(Almost 5) therefore showing how absurd the six day creation is. We talked about the animals and I showed him how big the world is compared to our home using google maps. I explained how difficult it would be to gather all of the different kinds of animals from across the world. We then talked about how Noah can not fit all of the animals on the boat that was too big to float.. I actually used the Bill/Ken debate illustrations for help.. We then talked about how God killed all of the people for being bad..... He asked What did they do that was so bad? Well since it is not clearly written in the bible I jumped around and we talked about all of the other times God killed people in the Bible and all of the laws that God put in place.. I mentioned how he killed someone for touching the Ark of the Covenant, burned people to death for offering strange fire and how he sent bears to maul children for mocking a bald guy. He got worried for a second when I said that we could not have tattoos and since I have 16 of them he asked Is God mad at you? I reinforced what I said that it was only a story that some people believe to be true and most people do not follow what it says anyway.. We talked a little more until he said, It is wrong to hurt people So I said That is right, but God hurt people in the story. Then God did a bad thing daddy he said..... I left it at that for now... The Next story I plan on going over is The Book Of Job, mostly because it was the one I always had trouble with as a Christian.... My original plan was to do it all in order but since he is so young I thought it best to address the stories Bible school teaches, I should know I helped teach Bible school for a time. I do not want to throw so much on him at once but I am sure we are going to be talking about this for a very long time since his mother is deeply religious.as well as other members of my family.. I will probably sit down once a week and go over a different story each time and talk about it. I am actually thinking about planning a camping trip so that we could get a better look at the night sky and talk about how people use to view the world in those times.. .. -bluedog
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:56:05 +0000

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