Well, I think I found the limits of my financial availability - TopicsExpress


Well, I think I found the limits of my financial availability options for the 2015 Year: Option A: I focus absolutely on Martial Arts, which I was able to do in 2013 but not in 2014, so Id be like a beginner noob all over again +15-25something pounds in weight gained since leaving due to financial inability and thus having to sit on my ass all year doing other things, not sure if I even fit into my Dogi anymore? If I do this, technically theres nothing I can afford to do both timewise and because its expensive, so no other projects. This is the Healthy Option, as it would keep me fit and active and out of the house for an entire year guaranteed! Option B: I buy a Laptop Computer which is worth my entire budget for Martial Arts, which would allow me to advance my Paranormal Research and more specifically, I could begin to publish my findings and structural theories from previous research and experiments from 2010-2014, of which I would be able to share with and get peer review, with considerations to publish in the Public Library System! This would be the Self-Development Career Option, since Im Unemployed this option would help me considerably to allow myself in future years to be a self-styled Occult-Sciences Author and would prepare me to also consider creating my own Paranormal Investigation&Research Organization if the need would arise to do so should that emergency occur, I could practice and explore that concept should it ever need to be an option. At least I could also build my own website for self-publishing and online networking between myself and a few others globally. Option X: This requires both A and B as a pre-requisite because here I would be considering going to College for Security and Private Investigator, which I would translate as a Non-For-Profit Paranormal Investigation and Research Services in a professional function. This is not only insanely expensive however ODSP might cover the costs, it would require a Workplace which may as well be my first home assuming I would ever have the financial ability to move out of my fathers house. Why put the Cart before the Horse when I could only afford to Pull the Wagon myself while not having a place to put either the Cart or the Horse if I had both? Option C: I do both A and B together at the same time, literally pulling money out of my ass through the assistance of others, namely my Grandmother and Father whove donated enough money where I could purchase both a Laptop and a Year of Martial Arts, however the deadly catch here is that Id be so thin on the red-line that if ANYTHING goes wrong at any point in the 2015 year on any day of it, I would most likely have to sacrifice either one of them due to financial strain. This Option is the most Future-Growth Friendly but is also the most fragile, as it would allow me to develop and practice both aspects of my life and allow for 2016 to be the year that I become developed enough to make a name and possibly a career for myself. However as I said, if it doesnt exactly budget out then its all a fail so badly that it would be unrecoverable. In this option, clearly ODSP doesnt supply what I need, because its only with the money of others that this option is even possible, a financial disability in of itself. However if this works, it brings it all in together to create something that could change my life in many good ways, its very tricky to pull this one off. Option Y: None of the previous options are financially assured, and chances are that none of them could happen, because Ive already had gone through the 2014 year which proved that this could all be a pipe dream, an unsustainable nightmare which would only mean another year of my life gets held back and wasted on the account of trivial things such as money.....plus this house cleaning situation is a serious disaster, its a real threat that I may have to focus on the house because of its problems. I might not even have a life this year, really! Ever heard of Chronic Mold Poisoning? Option Z: Please Refer To Your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Manual For Further Details!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 03:48:12 +0000

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