Well I think I have bitten off a big bigger of a job than I should - TopicsExpress


Well I think I have bitten off a big bigger of a job than I should have for a Sunday evening. We have this room off the kitchen that is our pet, office and storage room. I decided it was time to go through the kids school stuff and organize by name in their own box. Well...if it were only sorting that would be one thing, but I have enjoyed every picture, letter, report card... I even found the journal that Zia and I wrote back and forth each day as she cared for Grace, then Thomas while we worked. There were two pieces in Thomas box that touched me deeply. First the picture of him on the bus going to JK. This little boy would play for hours lining up his cars, creating games with his sister and he loved helping us around the house...BUT he did not love school. He didnt even like it a little. This photo captures him biting his lip, fighting tears and trying so hard to be brave. I would like to say it turned around and became a fairy tale, but that would be a stretch. He has, however, met with some magnificent teachers...and that is the focus of my next discovery. Thomas was in SK and it was close to the 100th day of school. Each child was to bring a collection of 100 things. Thomas could have brought cars, hockey cards or dinosaurs but he had something else in mind. He asked me to help him write about his 100 days with Mrs. Murphy. Well we sat down and he started to talk. With specific detail he began to list what he remembered and liked during his 100 days of SK. I laughed out loud, I smiled at his descriptions and I had tears in response to his kindness. This little boy, for whom school was not the place he could always find his words, sure had a lot to say. And so I typed and he talked. We shared a Pepsi on a school night!! And when it was done he said Please read it to me mommy. As I read I cried...I cried with such gratitude for this magnificent teacher...you see this little boy was impacted by the little things she did each day that told him she liked him and she valued him. His heart was in everyone of those 100 statements. He was satisfied at the end...mostly because he got to make fun of her favourite hockey team at item 97 and he giggled like crazy when we read that one. He proudly folded up the 4 typed pages and put it in his pack. When he got home from school the next day I was anxious for the teachers reaction and I could only get the boy version... Ya she liked it. The next day however...he bolted off the buss and ran to the house with an envelope. Inside was a response to his 100 Days with Mrs. Murphy and it was from his teacher to him, a response to his list called 100 Days with Thomas Payton Pella. She wrote a response and there were 100 things, and yes at 97 a rebuttal on the hockey team comment! She told him all of the things she noticed and liked about him....4 typed pages in response. These boxes are full of love towards all of my kids and I am so grateful to the many amazing teachers in their lives. Thank you to all of them, especially Mrs. Murphy! What a gift you are.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:43:49 +0000

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