Well, I was definitely waiting for this one. Thanks Sammy for - TopicsExpress


Well, I was definitely waiting for this one. Thanks Sammy for nominating me. This was exciting, recollecting all from the recent past. Here goes my list. May not be my best reads, but thats what I could quickly think. 1. The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch By far the best handbook I would carry with me to the end of the world. He taught me (& to all of us who who knew him ) what living is when you have actually lost the only thing you hold most dearly - Your Life.. 2. The Fountain Head - Ayn Rand Insisted upon me how ones ideals can propel the strength in you to move ahead despite of all odds thrown by world! 3. The Magic of Thinking Big - Dr. David Schwartz Well, I donno of thinking big, but it certainly fixed my thought process straight! 4. Chicken Soup Series - It left me warm, also taught me Importance of every relation, big & small, near & far, sweet & bitter. 5. The Three Investigators - Alfred Hitchcock Childhood love :) 6. Empire of the Moguls - Alex Rutherford 7. Jaya - Devdutt Pattanaik The above two - A good appetizers for my taste, for I love studying subjects on medieval history & Indian mythology. 8. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne 9. By the River Peidra I sat and Cry - Paulo Coelho 10. My name is Red - Orhan Pamuk Shambhavi Thats for you :) My 10 Book Challenge goes out to Gargi & Neelam- Here are the rules: List down 10 books which have stayed with you in some way. Do not take more than a few minutes and dont think too hard. They dont have to be the right or great books of literature. Just ones which have affected you in some way.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 05:48:56 +0000

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