Well I will warn you that this will be a lengthy post. By now you - TopicsExpress


Well I will warn you that this will be a lengthy post. By now you all probably know that Haley is not trying out for Belles next year:(. When she told me a couple of months ago I was upset and couldnt understand why she wouldnt tryout for her senior year, being that she has never complained about being a Belle and has truly enjoyed it, she explained to me that God has called her for something else(amazing Im sure) and that was her reason why. I went to bed crying that night, first because I was upset she wasnt trying out but then it was bc I felt so selfish, I wanted to be able to Bragg that my daughter was a Bobcat Belle( which is a great thing to Bragg about) but I realized my daughter was putting God first( isnt that what we are supposed to do?). I have never been more proud of my daughter than I am right now. I dont think I could give up something I am so passionate about for God(shamefully so) but my 16 year old daughter has. I challenge patents to have the guts to tell their childs coach that my son cant play in that baseball or soccer tournament this Sunday bc he or she will be at church or my daughter cant cheer this Sunday bc she will be in church or that my child cant practice on Wednesday nights bc they will be in church and lastly my child cant give up most of their summer bc they will be doing mission work and going to church camp. I know I never had the guts to say it but think how much better our world would be if we encouraged our kids to be the best Christian and not the best cheerleader, baseball player, dancer, etc bc those things are only temporary. Thats my soap box for the next year and just in case Haley reads this and her head swells a bit, she is still the messiest person I know, but I love her anyways!!! My messy girl is going into ministry and I am most proud of her for that!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:58:16 +0000

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