Well Ive been putting off posting anything about this week for the - TopicsExpress


Well Ive been putting off posting anything about this week for the entire day, but here it goes....One year ago today we received the news that our first born son had neuroblastoma....I remember all to clearly sitting in his room, on the seventh floor, with Bill, my mom, and his parents, and then literally having the room fill with oncology staff, our nurse that we had had that day, and God only knows who else, because at that moment, I knew that there was nothing good that they were getting ready to tell us....Dr Fargo told us that it was cancer, and Im sure he told us other things as well, but after the word cancer, I literally remember nothing else, until they had all left the room....I had been trying so hard for the previous two days to hold my emotions in, and to not let Billy see how upset his mommy was, but at that point, there was nothing that I could do but cry....I remember calling my dad, and telling him that his first born grandchild had cancer, and I remember calling my brother to makes sure that he heard the news from me....that evening some more of my family came up, and we were moved down to the 5th floor, to what has become a second home to us over this past year....I could not have made it through this year without our families, and especially without my grandma Dawn, who I literally would have been lost without....Some days it feels like this year has flown by, then other times it feels like its been a lifetime, but most times it feels like it was just yesterday that this journey began, because I can still feel all of that pain, every second of every day....Please continue to pray for us all, pray that Billy continues to do well, and that the next few months go smoothly....we will be inpatient for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, which sucks big time, but at the same time I know that doing this will help to increase the opportunity to spend a million more holidays with my baby....Thank you all for following along with us, and for thinking about my baby often....
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:09:41 +0000

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