Well, but the problem is that assholes take away happiness and - TopicsExpress


Well, but the problem is that assholes take away happiness and health ... and there is so many assholes (especially if hand-selected intentionally arranged around oneself for deacdes by cynical guerillawarfare-globally-playing mob-paycheckcorrupt-employers or heritage robbing family etc.) who make even their living out of taking away health and happiness from others ... hence I am sceptical as friendly people often tend to laugh as friendly as in this picture but assholes laugh out similarly (and practically extremely hard to distinguish) each time when they have screwed and distroyed and ripped-off a friendly person ... that is why I did not click like on that thing with making a living while supposedly was meant friendly. I would put it a bit differently: For friendly and just a little bit studious people it could nowadays be extremely simple to make a reasonable living honestly all by themselves but the blood sucking assholes sabotage cynically and brutally prevents that because then obviously they, the cynical sadistic slave drivers governances wouldnt have such a rich income paid by the (hightec)slaves anymore and would have to work themselves … (the ultracommunistic Nazi-mafia trojanic cybersabotage-remote guerillaterror-admin is getting „hyper“ again with inserting his/her „generously“ my time killing and massively my nerves wrecking typos and scrambling word-deletions while I am writing ...)
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:01:02 +0000

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