Well, everything went well today for my appointments. My baby is - TopicsExpress


Well, everything went well today for my appointments. My baby is ABOUT 7lbs 15oz (give or take a pound) and besides her being on her side, she is pretty much in position for delivery. :) So that means, if my platelets dont freak out on me again, this time in 2 weeks, I will have my beautiful baby girl in my arms. Prayers for strength, guidance, an easy labor/delivery, a quick recovery, and an abundance of love for the years to come would be appreciated. Now I want to take the time to mention a couple shout outs. :) First, I want to thank my parents for not kicking me out, but instead accepting me and loving me and their new grandbaby, regardless of how it happened. Special thanks to my Mom for sticking by me no matter how much I drove her crazy, constantly changing my mind. She has been a huge blessing for advice, financial support, and definitely a shoulder to cry on. Next, I want to thank my sisters. Amanda has given so much to me; everything from more baby stuff to advice. Not to mention a throw rug she is making. (And this is her first time being an Aunt so YAY!) Naomi, even at 800+ miles away, she has blessed me with the spiritual strength I have needed. She is going to be an amazing Godmother and Aunt to my precious daughter. Tonya has just been an incredible friend and sister to me. She has helped me with shopping and she and Naomi put together this amazing CD with lullabies to put Sophia to sleep. More special thanks to Madeline for being my best friend and guiding me spiritually and emotionally from the very first day. She has been absolutely wonderful in helping me in the nursery. I want to thank Neil for giving me lots of much-needed foot rubs and serving me to the best of his ability. :) Thank you to all of the out-of-state relatives (Aunt Gale plus some) and friends (you know who you are, too many to tag) who have given time, money, and baby stuff to support me and baby Sophia. You all are blessings from God and I could thank you enough for what you have done and given. Lastly, thank you to all the doctors and nurses at my million appointments who have been patient with me and my crazy questions and needs. God has been very much present in the past 9 months. If I hadnt gotten pregnant, I would have gone down the wrong road and probably wouldnt have been ABLE to turn around. God turned my life into something so beautiful and something I never thought I would love so much. So special thanks for the God I serve for giving me yet another chance to turn around and make my life for the better. I promise to raise my daughter in the arms of Christ and show her what true and everlasting love is by showing her Gods love.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:48:55 +0000

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